Do spiders die when sucked up by the hoover?

Spiders are the devils work. No hoover can defeat them. If I were you, I'd evacuate the premises and go into hiding. Good luck my friend. :(
They can't be killed, hey just mutate into something else when you're not looking..

pretty sure the vacuum would rip their legs off and they would likely never find their way back out anyway.
I've hoovered up beetles , moths , wasps , bees , flies , spiders etc and never seen them come back out
No they don't they congregate in the bag until they have a proper little firm together then they come back out & lay eggs in your ears when you sleep.

Mookjong beat me like a Ginger step child who ate the last Rolo but this just confirms what I wrote. :D
You're doomed! They'll now establish a new colony and start conquering. Please burn your hoover and anything it's been on before it's too late!

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