Do supermarkets give compo when staff bump into customers?

22 Nov 2005
I was in Morrisons earlier.
Walking around the corner of an isle, There's a Morrisons worker walking towards me but looking behind her and talking loudly to another member of staff by the self service tills.

I see shes going to walk straight into me, my only choice of action would be to start walking backwords.

so I do nothing and let her bump into my shoulder.

They both start howling with laughter each other thinking it's hilarious.

I'm not bothered in the slightest, she says sorry as we both walk off.

I continue my shop, and then when I'm at the self service till with the big long belts, the other staff member who witnessed it went out of her way to walk about 20 ft over to me.
"if you want to put in a claim go to the help desk"

I thought she was joking so just laughed and said "I'm fine"

but the more I think about it, for her to come over to me and say that, 10minutes later it wouldn't be funny anymore so she must have been serious?

people really put in a claim for that? and supermarkets pay out with a store gift card for a few quid or what?

If I was an old lady the force probably would have knocked me to the floor tbh, but to someone my size it was basically nothing and my posture remained totally passive with no annoyance.
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Yet here we are.
I'm genuinely curious if they do pay out.

it was clearly an accident with no harm do ne to either party.

Maybe its a store policy now since they order pick during customer hours and they can be annoying.

i'm gonna guess the worker wasn't fit, cause lets be honest, who's gonna complain about a fit bird bumping into them.
She had blonde hair and was slim, I never looked at her after she bumped into me so didn't see her face.
probably in her 30s I guess, but coulda been in her 40s and fit.. no idea

and I wasn't going to complain anyway
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This was you to the lady who was clearly being sarcastic, wasn't it?
Kinda embarrassed even though it wasn't my fault, and would have been happy to leave the store without a single word :D
I'm using the self service tills for a reason :cry:
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They won’t pay, but their insurance company will.

You will have to make a claim to them, like any personal injury claim.
I clearly wasn't injured it was basically the same as a hard shove to the shoulder/chest

seems weird, but maybe its just a thing since order pickers started working in stores.

get bumped get a £5 discount on your next shop or so..
Old, straight women. Angry gay men.

OP ain't an old woman.
I'd have thought it more weird to be doing your grocery shop but rating every woman you see out of 10.

it might suggest you have incel problems.

Does it really matter what person who bashes into you looks like as long as they are hygienic?
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That’s not compensation, that’s more. PR exercise. You can obviously make a tweet about the incident and see what happens.
I don't want anything. I was just wondering if its really a thing.

Maybe technically it's classed as assault or something, you never know these days
I find "watch out!" slightly less embarrassing than just letting a person walk into me when I can see it's obviously happening. Not much in it, though.
well there was a plenty wide gap, and I was hoping it wasn't going to keep closing, then it got too late.

She was probably walking forward whilst looking the wrong way for a good 10 seconds, it was one of those "I'm sure shes going to look forward any second now and not walk directly into my path and into me moments"
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So you stood there for ten seconds so see if she would bump into you?
No I was walking forwards slowly like a normal shopper who watches where they are walking.

Morrisons orderp ickers are built different and walk around with their heads on a swivel

10 seconds?!?! That’s more like you deliberately just allowed this to happen than anything else

DOOD are you on about? I was walking around the aisle and then continued walking forwards..... I expected her to pay attention.... before we collided... I had no where to walk I was getting pinned agains the aisle.. but yesa im a sexual predator now apparently...?

you guys are beyond belief, how am I to know shes going to not look where shes going for a full 10 seconds? who does that in a supermarket? if I wasn't there she would literally have walked straight into the end of the aisle...

customers always in the wrong, I bet when an order picker comes next to you, you walk off and say sorry for being in the way? they should be looking where they are going.

How agile do you think I am with a basket full of goods? by time I realised she wasn't going to turn around all I could do was swing my basket out of the way
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I never called you a sexual predator or even considered that tbh, just thought you were being alpha…but now you mentioned it, were your trousers unzipped?
do you have dreams where your walking in a supermarket and an employee brushes against you?

For the first 5 seconds shes walking in a line that gives me space to pass, then she starts zagging towards me for the next few seconds.
you know when cyclists look behind them and then they don't ride in a straight line anymore? she basically did that and then walked diagonally into me

since I was so close to the end of the aisle I assumed she was surely going to look before she would have hit the aisle, in which case she wouldn't have hit me so I didn't say anything.
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So you saw her coming, knew she wasn't watching where she was walking and yet, despite having more than enough time to, you didn't simply step out of the way? Yeah, that's perfectly normal behaviour.
she was walking towards the left side of me, I had the end of the aisle on my right side.
If she kept walking in a straight line it would have been fine.
she never looks forward as she approaches the aisles like I expected.
She starts veering into me and by this point I have like 2 seconds to react.

I'm carrying a heavy shopping basket and now the path Infront and to the sides is blocked off.

by that point I had no choice but to move the basket out the way and let her walk into me.

Usually when someone is walking and looking over their shoulder you don't expect them to walk very far before they glance forward again do you.....

but sure its my fault apparently for being in there as a normal customer.... and walking in a predictable manner with my eyes forward
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Maybe it's just me, but I seem to find life way less complicated than some people on here.
jesus christ dood...
all I wanted was a "yes supermarkets really give out a coupon when an order picker bumps into a customer"

I'd have thought some of the geniuses on here might work in one.
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