Do these headphones need an amp?

5 Jan 2005
Hi, i am interested in the HD555 but i have one question.Will these headphones sound good when connected directly to my headphone slot on my sound card(M-Audio Revolution 5.1)?
I use my ok-ish Megaworks 550 during daytime but at night i don't want to ****-off the neighbours. I have read many reviews for em but they didn't mention the performance connected on a PC without an amp.
Thanks for you help.
They'll still sound pretty good connected to your PC directly. To get the best out of this type of headphones an amp is recommended. I wouldn't buy one just yet though, at least not until you've heard them through your PC.
They do need a headphone amplifier, but it depends what the amp stage is like on the Revo (I have the same card btw)

If you find bassy music distorts or is very bloated that is a good indication the amp is sufficient.
Thanks for the replies. I was going for the HD600 but for that i would surely need an amp and they cost a fortune :P
I think that my sound card shall be sufficient but i shall see what happens.
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