Do you do this when laughing?

18 Oct 2002
If someone tells me something really funny I tend to slap my hand of my knee, or just give a single clap with my hands - it's never more than one slap/clap. I've noticed my friends doing it too. It's like the human version of "bad dum tish" after a joke.

Do you do it too? Can't find anything on Google!

Would anyone care to do a bit of an analysis as to why us humans do this?
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BillytheImpaler said:
I absolutely do it. Very rarely do I knee-pat but when something's very funny it's quite common for it to recieve a clap, especially if I'm sitting and I can lean back in my chair.

Just one single clap or multiple ones? I'm interested in the reason for the single clap!
If im sitting then deffinately always give it a knee slap and/or a single clap followed by resting my elbows on my knees and head in my hands trying to contain the laughter.

If im standing, well then i go find a seat :D
Plus-44 said:
That should just be spread to women in general!


Q F T - why does it star this out? Or does it mean something else other than quoted for truth?

Anyway, No. Sometimes my eyes water slightly.
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