Do you eat your groceries on the way home?

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
When you come out of the supermarket with a bag or bags of food shopping, do you pull out the pack of choccie biscuits, crisps, or sweets you just bought and snack on them while driving home, even if you're due to eat within an hour or so? I do. I can't help it, I'm just a lowly human :(

"This is the last one, I'll put them away now"...

Couple miles to go.

"Ok, just one more"...

Nearly home.

"This is definitely the last one"

Get home, half the packet of oreos is empty :p
nope eat them as you go around it's not theft as long as you intend to pay and don't try to leave without scanning the wrapper
I often buy a french stick, which I poke into the bag so it's sticking out and take bites from as I'm walking along.

Don't even need to grasp the thing, lift bag, bite, win.
I either walk or cycle to the supermarket so quite often I'll end up buying something to snack on for the way back home. Usually it's either a sausage roll, a pork pie or some crisps.
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