Do you ever wonder...

8 Oct 2005
..what the hell is the point in owning a sports bike this country sometimes? I would be more suited to a boat at present.

I know that come the first bit of nice weather it will make it all worth it, but it's now been raining for pretty much 3 weeks solid here... not been out on it for ages, which is annoying considering we are in Spring and in a 'drought'.

Anyone else feel the same?

Anyway, moan over.
Call me a pussy if you will, but I really just don't enjoy riding in the wet. I have no confidence problems, I just don't find it enjoyable what so ever being wet, cold and dodging metal man hole covers. :(
I had a track day in March and even got sun burn't... I stupidly then thought the weather was actually going to be great this year. But no, it peaked way to early.. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that little hot spell was our summer :(

So depressing.
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