Do you guys know about this case??

Not seen that case before but a quick google brings up the manufacturers website

It doesnt list any uk resellers on that site so if you are interested it maybe worth giving one of the OCUK staff a shout to see if they have plans to sell it.

Cool, that one looks good for a temp LCD in the bottom bay... I wish the case had some reviews...Those 2 are the only mATX cases that small with no riser needed full height exp. slots I have found... If they had good air flow/no issues they look like a great lan PC could go in them... I have Protocase, but case design is a bit to much... All they have in the store is ITX cases...
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There is the SG05 for mITX, that is good & small... Just got excited about that case I listed cause it was mATX that looks like it can take full height cards,,,
That case is in tooling, that is why I can't find it... I emailed the sales lady & she said that, plus I emailed protocase to see how much they could build it for. The solid sides if it is layed down might be a issue with heat, I hope not though.
No. I'm still making it.

Cool, I have Protocase, it is ok, but limited, I am trying to find a way to import the mother board i/o PCI slots onto the back, so I don't have to do the cutouts myself... I have issues & my hand can't really do the measurments exact... It is geared more for gen. machine cases & not PCs... It will open .cas files, but it has been a pain finding something that will hopefully save a .cas, I say hopefully cause it is still downloading... I have a ATX MB tray with the back i/o & PCI slots, I am wanting to convert that to .cas...
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