Do you have an abiding food memory?

27 Jul 2007
My earliest and strongest food memory is making rhubarb crumble with my Nan in her flat down the road. She had a honking great rhubarb plant/bush thing at the end of her garden and every summer we'd cut the stalks off a couple of times and make dirty great crumbles. I love the smell and taste and it reminds me of her now every time I have it. She died when I was 11, so this must have been when I was 5 or 6.

I also remember her cooking tongues in a big boil pot to feed the dog with and I can't stand to even look at them even now. Also I remember her making home made brawn (spelling?) from half a pigs head. Smelt vile as it was boiling but fantastic once made into the terrines.

Do you have any?
Heh, that reminds me - we used to have a bloke in an estate car who would drive round on a Sunday afternoon and play a tune like an ice cream van. In the back he would have big ice boxes full of shell fish. We used to have pints of prawns, cockles and all sorts. If we were having a treat we would get a crab and sit and eat it at the kitchen table with a hammer and nut crackers at the ready :)
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