Do you like your job?

13 Oct 2004
South Shields
Bit of an open question but do you like your job? I speak to loads of people who seem to absolutely loathe going to work and count down the seconds until its done, I find it hard to imagine doing something I didn't like/didn't enjoy. I love my job (as much as you can) and enjoy the challenges it brings so actively push my self to be better at it and can't see a day coming when that will stop.

Am I the only one here or do we have others?

Love my job. I look forward going into work everyday. My colleagues are great people and we have an awesome time. Good days and bad.

I also run my own business that's now exploded in size and I've taken on quite a few staff. I'm toying with the idea of going full time on my own company but I enjoy my current position and company too much to let it go.
Thats one of my next steps, either start my own consultancy (or technically expand my one person one now) or move back staff and go up the corporate ladder.

Me too...... 6-6 nights offshore West of Shetland..... I'm the night time Grown up....


/Edit :- You still based up Lossie?
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Largely my colleagues are pretty decent people which makes a huge difference.

Sometimes you have little choice though, not much around here job wise and due to a number of reasons largely family wise moving away (again) isn't really an option - atleast not in the immediate future.
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Yup, love it. I work 2 hours a day teaching adults about whatever I feel like - yesterday was fictional wizards. I should top up my hours with a few more somewhere else to do some saving, but this is fine for living.

My job has developed into something which is not only a waste of my skills and experience, but boring as hell. My secondment position from the ISS Service Desk was closed meaning I was unable to go back.

Luckily I've been able to secure another position and leaving on 1st August. Which is great news as the company is sinking quicker than a sinking ship!
My job is alright. I wish it was a bit more intellectually stimulating sometimes, but the company takes care of its staff and I like my work mates. I also like not having to deal with "the public" as it's all b2b. Except for what we call the "I am jobs" who are a regular indicator that some people are hilariously stupid.
Not a big fan of my job.
My workplace is mainly excellent, good interaction with other people.
Most of the 'customers' are superb too, and we all get along very well.
It only takes one annoyance a week or a month to make you feel utterly annoyed about the entire line of work.

Like anything where you deal with the public.
Jobs there to get money to do stuff I enjoy outside of work.

Things I think I would enjoy pay peanuts and wouldn't allow me to afford to do stuff outside of work. So it's a catch22.
If we had planning laws like the rest of Europe I could afford to do both, by forgoing a house and living in mobile housing.
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