Do you post on work related forums?

28 Nov 2003
Just curious as to whether people post on work related forums? I am a glorified mechanic and I rarely read the Motors forum, and have probably posted replies in there a maximum of three times. If I am out socially there's nothing more annoying than someone who knows what I do probing me about issues or modifications to their beloved car. I am out to enjoy myself, not to stay in "work" mode. am I alone in this? :)
Car stuff has now seemingly migrated to Facebook and I do not gel with that medium. I used to be a prolific poster on a few car forums, partly because I enjoyed the places, and partly because it drew in a lot of customers, but now you can see the tumbleweed blowing between threads and the owners are spread on a plethora of Facebook sites or whatever you call them. Arguments erupted, especially if Americans have access, and sound advice backed by data is usurped by ignorant arrogance, and the desire for a cool look ("stance") whatever the resulting handling deterioration or excess tyre wear, and an industry in a constant upward spiral of ridiculous power figures using bent rolling road figures in a commercial need to be as good or better than the opposition , despite the figures all being risibly optimistic.

So I tend now to do a day's work, open a few beers and keep my head down, which is probably selfish as I regularly see and hear ludicrous advice blankly accepted as gospel by people who deserve a proper explanation of what's occurring, and why they are wasting hard earned money or ruining their nice cars.

I am relieved that I am not being berated for shying away from helping on car forums, I still maintain a fairly calm approach to those that phone for advice at reasonable times, bu typing out long (often unappreciated for the significant time element involved) discourses is now just too much hassle.

Conversely the times I have asked for guidance myself on computer or electronic forums, and received it from selfless, knowledgeable folk, shows me that bitter old fossils like myself are not endemic yet!
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