Do You Read On The Toilet?

22 Jul 2007
Having 4 kids, I find it sometimes very useful to drag myself off to the toilet with a book. I find it quiet, relaxing and comfortable...a good anger management strategy and a nice way to spend 20 minutes.

Now when I mentioned this recently to a friend, she was horrified and claimed it was the most unhygienic thing she had ever heard.

Anyway her reaction hasn't stopped my dirty little habit, but it would stop me from buying a second hand book or even using the library .... just imagine if other people read those books on the toilet?

Which all leads to 3 questions:

1. Do you read on the toilet?
2. Do you read second hand books (even borrowed ones)?
3. If lots of people here admit to reading on the bog ...would it put you off buying / borrowing books?
read - no.
take laptop - sometimes, no not for porn

most of the time i take my mobile, i have a few good java games that i play, most of the time its 9 ball pool :D
Nothing at all, don't like to be on the toilet so do the business and GTFO. I did read a few times in a house on a work trip where the landlord had a massive library of random books in the bog lol.
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I thought it was common that people read on the toilet.

I mean - you can tell if you are going to go for a possible large number 2, you grab the paper - or a book or something. I mean you could be in there a while!

Although I remember visiting my mates house once and being there for a good 45 mins, only to be greeted by my other friend, who had been there all the time in the toilet reading the paper - freaked me out a bit, it's a definite "your own house only" thing.

Youl get the same reaction from all women, don't be suprised.

I read and sometimes go on the Laptop, when on the toilet. I find it relaxing too :) .
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Yep, don't often remember to bring a book with me, but if I do I'll have a read. Hasn't your friend ever been into a bathroom in someones house where they have loads of magazines etc in there for guests to read? I've been to quite a few houses that have done that.
What sort of man would I be if I didn't?

And no it doesn't put me off reading second hand books. Plenty of people scratch their arses then touch stuff I touch on a daily basis, the reason I don't get ill is because I don't lick everything I see.
usually take the laptop in and put some TV on :p

means i can just sit there, not think about it and just relax... that way its all done and dusted without any effort :)
nothing worse than feeling like you have to get in there, push it all out in under a minute and leave, infact that can be quite bad for you!
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