Do you subscribe to any magazines or newspapers?

1 Nov 2007
I just thought it would be interesting to see what people read. I subscribe to the Financial Times as my main source of news and then Practical Electronics, New Scientist and Scientific American for magazines because I'm very keen to improve my science knowledge in general.

What about you?
I'm surprised any magazines or newspapers survive any more. I've not had any subscriptions since early 2000s.


What are these?

Long time ago , carbon based life forms known as ‘humans’ would harvest dead trees and produce a carbon based substance known as ‘paper’. This was a thin, flexible substrate upon which ‘ink’ was placed to form words and letters and even pictures.
Some humans would collect these over periods of years and in many cases they would have them ‘posted’ (see: ‘snail’ Mail) under an automatic subscription service
The Economist: dead tree and electronic version. I prefer the dead tree version as it encourages me to sit and read properly instead of a skim read.
PC Pro, Retro Gamer and Fusion magazines are the three I have. I also have Readly on my iPad but I loathe reading magazines (anything!) on a screen. I'll likely take a subscription to MagPi or similar soon. It's far easier to follow tutorials on read in general from a paper magazine.
The Economist: dead tree and electronic version. I prefer the dead tree version as it encourages me to sit and read properly instead of a skim read.
Same here, it’s nice just to sit and read with a coffee.

Also get GQ and Total Film.

I get a read of my parents P&J paper (a proper regional news paper) when I visit them at the weekend.
I get the following delivered.

The I (for the quizzes mainly)
The Guardian (Left wing view)
The Times (Right wing view)
Ride magazine (motorbikes)

I much prefer reading from something physical. Same with books.
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