Do you train on ya own/with some one?

17 Aug 2005
I trained on my tod for ages about 8 months or so and I didnt mind it, it has its flaws tho when ya need a spot and no one is around.

Last few weeks I have started to train with a lad from work who has just started up again. He use to train before hand but from my understanding only tris/bi & chest :eek:

I dont claim to be no pro but I try to offer little bits of advice where I can, but it all falls on deafs ear. When it comes to bicep curls he will stand there and knock em out all day, but come legs day he trys to avoid doing any real work. He cant even squat because he is a bit top heavy and basically ends up off balance!

Any way, just wondering what you all do? I mean i quite like training with some one but feel im wasting my time trying to help. Also find I get through things a bit quicker when on own and usually a bit more focused.
I work out alone!
Seems to work best for me since it's hard finding someone to train with that has the same training techniques/schedules.

Used to train with a friend but I found that I'd regularly do less work than normal because I was spending time explaining and helping rather than doing my own training.

However I do think that if I were to find someone to train with then motivation would be improved on those 'lazy' days when you don't/can't train at 100%
R5Rich said:
I dont claim to be no pro but I try to offer little bits of advice where I can, but it all falls on deafs ear. When it comes to bicep curls he will stand there and knock em out all day, but come legs day he trys to avoid doing any real work. He cant even squat because he is a bit top heavy and basically ends up off balance!

Your mate is a girl. Of course he can squat he just doens't want to learn the technique or do any real work. I'd steer clear of a training partner like that.

I train with my brother, always have done always will. Same height, same weight, same size, same power. Perfect.
I don't have a training partner as such, but go to a very small gym so normally get personal assistance from the owner :D

I actually prefer to train alone but with someone around to spot/ give advice etc.
on my own, would love someone to train with, there are a few who will spot when needed, but not many in my gym :/
I train on my own, most of my mates either don't go to the gym or those that do go to different gyms for various reasons. I do prefer training with someone else but as has been noted it should be someone who is prepared to work, I've trained with people who don't and I found I spent half the time telling them to actually do something rather than concentrating on my technique which is no good.
Heaven Can Wait said:
Depends what im doing, 2-3 spotters when benching heavy, two when im not.
I find two is the best number, gives you time to breathe after a set, it is good when they are similar size too.

Do you mind me asking what you are benching to warrant 2-3 spotters?

I've had a look at some of your posts but I can't see it mentioned.

And to elaborate on my previous post, I would like to work out with someone with similar goals and ability to myself, but I haven't found them yet.
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Been training on my own for a good year and a half now, used to train with someone back in the day but I ended up spending most of my time talking to them and not focusing on my workout.

When I need a spot I just grab the nearest person, people at my gym are fine like that!

Oh and if the person does not want to take your advice then don't worry about it, he's the one wasting his time/money imo.

NitrogenY3K said:
Train on my own, find it far better. Chuck my headphones on, no one to disturb me and im just in my own little world, happy days

Exactly what I'm like, best way to forget about a rubbish day at work!
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Gavstar said:
Do you mind me asking what you are benching to warrant 2-3 spotters?

I find two spotters that can lift the bar and hold it for a moment while i push it out of there hands a lot better than one spotter flicking it over, not that It would be any harder, but I really can't afford to tear my chest again.
Did 190 the other week, without a shirt and with the clap.
two spotters are much better for timing on the compounds as well in my opinion, I see them rushed too much.
Gavstar said:
Do you mind me asking what you are benching to warrant 2-3 spotters?

I've had a look at some of your posts but I can't see it mentioned.

And to elaborate on my previous post, I would like to work out with someone with similar goals and ability to myself, but I haven't found them yet.

HCW is a proper powerlifter, cant remember his stats myself, but im sure it includes a bench press of over 400lbs.
I've always trained with someone. When i first went to the gym at uni it was with a mate who had a bit of experience. We both pushed each other and had similar goals.

When i came to London started training with a lad i used to go to school with altho had no idea he was in London :) Again had similar goals and development so worked pretty well. Weight yoyo'd a bit cos i didn't know what i was doing with my diet. After a year or so started training with my current buddy.

He was in the air force so has all the basics nailed and used to train with an animal on the gear so knows how to go heavy. He's 41 so is always reminding me that it takes time to build mass and thickness not some fancy techniques. He's been injured a few times so there's experience and warnings there. Can be a bit stuck in his ways sometimes :p
ive found out that i prefer going by myself most of the time. I always end up doing an exercise thats not in my routine because my partner wanted to do it, or miss an exercise because my partner didnt want to do it. When its chest day and im benching, as its the only exercise that really REQUIRES a spotter, i ask a friend to go at the same time, but other times i just dont tell anyone im going, so i can do my own thing and not be distracted. Off course you meet people you know in the gym etc, so theres always some distraction :p
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