Do you use headphones like grado and senns.

30 Jun 2006
While I appreciate that there are a huge amount of dedicated gaming headsets and headphones.

I was wondering do any OC'ers use headphones which are more typically conventional hi fi headphones like something like the Grado's or senns, akg's, sonys etc.?

I can appreciate that some people might use their PC as a source rather than the conventional cdp or tt. So I wonder if they would use headphones from typical headphones systems rather than the gaming headsets.
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wush said:
Yeah. I use my PC for my music source, along with an external DAC. I use AKG K701 headphones. In the past I've had Sennheiser HD650 and Alessandro/Grado MS-1 for the same purpose. :)

How do you find those k701's? While I appreciate their is a lot of info on them at I would be interested in your opinions on them.

I just thought it be interested to see what kind of headphones people use with their PC's as I am sure that not everyone can run them into a speaker system whether 2 channel or a HT setup 24/7.
I do find like using something as simple as the ipod earbuds start to hurt my ears comfortwise after a while.

So instead I use full size headphones with an adaptor which allows me to connect my headphones to either the ipod, pc or my hi fi.
devilkazuya said:
i wish i had a pair of stax lambda signiture 404, they would be my crowning glory headphones. They are the best looking and some of the best sounding around. Way too expensive for me at the moment when you take into consideration the amp would cost about a grand to go with the £400 headphones.

I use a pair of electrostats sometimes with my PC. I have a stax 007t amp. I picked it up cheap for something like 450 squids.
wush said:
I love them. They sound really pure and the "texture" is amazing. No artificial flabby bass either. They're physically very comfortable (nice self adjust) and I listen for long periods without getting worn out. To be honest, I'd prefer them to be coloured black, but it's all about the sound. :D

Well the way you describe the 701's is very interesting. I am thinking of upgrading my headphones. The main thing I want is a good soundstage width with a easygoing sound. Not in yer face sound or too laid back.

I would like to use it for games and movies. I have a few headphones but while they maybe do well in maybe music or games or movies i find it's really hard find one that does it exceptionally well in all areas. There is one I have which comes very close but I have lent it to a friend for the time being.

While I frequent a bit I don;t go there as often as I use to. My username is the same there as what it is here.

Squiffy>I have a set of Rs-1's. While I like the sound for listening to music I find they not as good in the role of games playing or watching movies.

I find their lack of soundstage width compared to other headphones which might be acceptable for music doesn;t really suit games and movies.

Also the unique tone of the Rs-1's while being I find very good with music puts me off while watching movies or playing games.

Of course YMMV.
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