Do you wear earplugs?

20 Feb 2009
Not where I'd like to be
After a bit of a discussion on another forum I was wondering if people wear earplugs whilst riding?

I do if I am leaving town and go above 30. I know too much about noise levels and hearing loss and also know how tiring noise can be when exposed for any length of time. I'm not someone who thinks it should be a legal requirement, freedom of choice and all that, but I do believe people should know the facts so they can make an informed choice.

Someone on the other forum said "I like to hear my engine thank you very much" but at 70mph the wind noise will really reduce any engine sound you can hear and if the worse happens and he lost his hearing it wouldn't just be his engine he could no longer hear.

As I said, freedom of choice.
I think it can be a generational thing as the forum I had this discussion on has most riders over 51 and a lot over 60. Saying that I'm 47 but have been heavily involved in H&S in the workplace for years so have the information I need to make the best decision for me. Good to see you lot see it the way you do.
Round town I'd say it was around 70db in my helmet but above that, and most certainly at NSL speeds I know it's way over the point your hearing starts to get damaged with exposure, 85db.

Of course a good helmet, chin cover thing and well directed air flow can reduce the sound so hopefully those who don't wear earplugs have the sound levels at a level, or aren't exposed long enough at high levels, that won't cause serious/permanent damage.
Don't you like to hear your bikes exhaust note?

That is a misconception. I can hear the exhaust well on my bike as well as sirens and other things I find helpful to hear. I also like my hearing and follow the science.

As I said earlier though, each to their own.
what did you say??:p

I cant ride without a neck tube though,it cuts a lot of wind noise out besides keeping my neck warm and free from flies hitting it

I think its a good alternative to earplugs

Just like Quentin Crisp used to wear? Very butch :p

I'm tempted to get some Ultimate Ear plugs. £60, plus the cost of the moulds, for the "Squiggy" 30db reduction version.
Looking at their site it seems you either get it done at their Orpington office, £15 extra, or get it done by one of their agents and that costs a minimum of £25.
My new screen virtually eliminates buffeting for me now and one other consequence of this is the noise in my lid has reduced a fair bit. I still prefer to ride with earplugs once I go out of town but if I forget to put them in, as I do occasionally, I won't be looking for the first place to stop to get them back in.
Yes I have and I think it's when they've just got too warm, and soft, before you roll them. I try not to let them get soft from my body heat but this time of year it's hard to keep them cool when out and about.
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