Docker System

4 Dec 2002
Bourne, Lincs
So I have a couple of boxes I want to run some docker stuff on, plex, sabnzb, nas etc

What is the best place to start for this?


Are you running this in a commercial environment or just playing at home?

For the former I would suggest running a full supported OS so you can get troubleshooting support if you have issues.
Yep. UnRaid is awesome....


I'm not familiar with the solutions you guys recommend, my (some, mostly watching) experience is only with XEN and Fedora. But of course, for play at home Fedora is maybe better, as she runs on almost everything (XEN have some ... requirements, hehe).
It is simple in Fedora + the bonus of running everyday OS (i.e. you can use it with and without the docker).
Just thought I'd bump this up and say that if I hadn't already purchased a QNAP NAS, I would have built my own server and used UNRaid. That said, containers on QNAP work pretty well and I've just finished migrating some stuff from running as packages to running in containers.
Hi Guys.
Quick question - Just setting up Unraid to test.
Where do I enter proxy details to get to the outside world to register it?
Surely DHCP takes care of that? If not then a text config file exists on the flash drive iirc.

Also much unraid love here - I'm in the process of shoving it on a R1700/32GB for docker/VM use, the ability to consolidate a bunch of physical and pre-existing VM's is a great justification for one decent box to rule them all.
Nope on the DHCP. :(
I'll wait till I get home and shove it on my HP DL380 see how I get on.
Currently using a Hyper-V with single 2016 Server VM's for each role (Plex, UTorrent, Sonar, CP and a Factorio) so could be interesting to see how this works.
You can run containers in Server 2016. It's pretty cool, but I'd much rather have something like unraid where you're not going to be limited to which VMs you can run up. Plus the host itself won't be as resource hungry.
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