DoD:S compared to CS:S?

11 Oct 2005
Manchester, UK
Hi all, recently I've been feeling like a change of FPS to play and have decided that my next purchase will be DoD:S. Just wondering if you could answer a few questions on the main differences between the two games?

1. Size of maps - Are they similar sort of size to CS:S maps or completely different?

2. Reg - Is it as poo as CS:S or worse/better?

3. Weapons - Many to chose from?

4. Community/Servers - Worse/better than CS:S?

Cheers :)
DanTheMan said:
Hi all, recently I've been feeling like a change of FPS to play and have decided that my next purchase will be DoD:S. Just wondering if you could answer a few questions on the main differences between the two games?

1. Size of maps - Are they similar sort of size to CS:S maps or completely different?

2. Reg - Is it as poo as CS:S or worse/better?

3. Weapons - Many to chose from?

4. Community/Servers - Worse/better than CS:S?

Cheers :)

DoDs is having a free week end soon try it out then
Maps? I'd say a similiar scale to CS, but maybe a little bit bigger depending on the game type.

Reg? It's the same engine, so it's going to be very similar to how CS:S plays really.

Weapons, you've got about 6 different class of soldier to choose from, so there is a variety of weapons out there that you can use, just you'll spawn with specific weapons for specific classes, i.e. sniper rifle for sniper, machinegun for m machinegunner etc.

Community? A lot lot smaller than CS:S has, but there are still plenty of servers and players out there.

It is only ~£12-14, so if you have money to burn, I reckon it's worth it, as there's been a good couple of updates to it recently.
i think the dod community in genaral is a lot friendly than cs.Because Cs is a more popular game you get a lot more hackers and people are more suspicoius and you always get the odd noob hacker and im l33t comments.
community is great in dods compared to the idiots you meet on css.
ive never really clicked into css, and thats not without trying. ive played it for hours but i dont see the attraction tbh, whereas i instantly liked dod:s. now dod has these new game modes its a real upgrade and now the games plays even better :D
I brought DoD:S this weekend then found out they are having the free weekend soon. However, I can happily say im very pleased with it. A good £13~ well spent.

It also runs nicely on my system which is a bit dated now.
Nothing to lose really. You wont miss the 13 quid. I love day of defeat source, and now with this update the garand is so much better :D plus the new game modes too.
DoD is fantastic. So much action.

The community is indeed a lot better than CS - smaller, and I very rarely meet "lamers".
Semiskimmed said:
not when there is a decent mg42'er on the other end :eek:
i try it now and then but sometimes just get mown down, especially trying to arm bombs on jagd :p

Lol. A lot of noobs whore the MG i find. But if the team has a good mg'er positioned its so hard to get past somewhere sometimes :p i hate walking round a corner, to see an mg, im like, im dead X_x lol
lol, yeah i know what you mean. there is a few particular spots on the maps that are really hard to get past if there is a MG positioned on it, but its great when you get past it after a stuggle :D
Semiskimmed said:
lol, yeah i know what you mean. there is a few particular spots on the maps that are really hard to get past if there is a MG positioned on it, but its great when you get past it after a stuggle :D

Aye, there's like, a massive relief when someone knocks the MG out, and all the troops move forwards. Then you set your mg up closer to their spawn :D and take their last flag. I love it. A very underestimated game.
Ive played dod now for over 4 years at quite a high competative level. I came from CS before hand and what can i say, Dod is my favourite FPS. I dont have the patience anymore to wait while the rounds end, endless spawning is much more fun!

The community is a hell of a lot better but thats mainly done to the lack of players compared to CS and generally most individuals are slightly older. Dod:s has its problems but its great fun and i urge you to all try and join clans so you can experince it in its best form.
i starting playing dod:s about 3-4 week ago before that i use to play bf2 all the time now i just cant put dod down its great and when u get a shot on someone from far away its a great feeling :p
I can only agree DOD:S is a great game and excellent value for money if you buy it standalone, Its not worth not getting for £13 :)

I ve followed dod from way back in beta and thesource version is finally coming together with the bomb maps.

Its been my FPS of choice now for over a year (since it was released lol)

I suggest you get good with a rifle its so much more satisfying than all the other guns.
Agent_matt said:
I brought DoD:S this weekend then found out they are having the free weekend soon. However, I can happily say im very pleased with it. A good £13~ well spent.

It also runs nicely on my system which is a bit dated now.
yeah same as me, the graphics are absolutely fantastic, wide range of weapons to choose from, although it is VERY balanced, nothing like the CoD2 ppsh pwning, etc.. the maps are a decent size, but not too big that you have to travel to the battle constantly.

the new map *cant remember the name*, the bomb map was absolutely fantastic, played a good few rounds of it, very good teamwork, rushing enemy positions together, etc.. its an amazing game. worth about 30 quid, never mind 13

and yeah i agree, get good with a garand or a kar. its much more satisfying when a sprayer is rushing you and you squeeze off a shot right in the chest
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