DOD:Source framerates....

30 Dec 2003
Cheshire, UK
Could anyone with a similar spec machine to me, tell me roughly what DOD:Source runs like on there PC?. Im not sure mine is running as fast as it should.

I run it at 1280x1024 with x4 FSAA, x8 AF, max details. Currently it seems to run at about 35-45 fps. Some areas like the american end of argentan, can run as low as 20-30fps, which seems pretty bad.

spec in sig.

Ok i tried it and it made little or no difference.

.....tell you what did though....

*hangs head in shame*

.... i had a 1gig stick of pc2700 ram in with 2xhalf gig sticks of 3200 ram and my system was running at 333mhz instead of 400mhz, im now also running dual channel. I must have put it there ages ago and forgotten it was slower ram :/

you live and learn :)
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