Dodgy Seller or Just Paranoid?

16 Aug 2011
Reading, Berks
Rang a bloke up today about a bike, but he wouldn't provide me a registration for the bike (to check against my insurance - I've found my insurance to jump wildly up or down, even on the same year/model bike) or a photograph of the MOT to confirm mileage, advisories and all that jazz.

I understand some people are cautious about nefarious types cloning their vehicles, but was my request unreasonable when considering buying a second hand bike? Should I be concerned about this, or do you think the chap was just being a bit overly cautious?

In my opinion, I'd rather do as much checking on a bike from the comfort of my sofa before going to view it, especially as mid-week viewings are often difficult for sellers/buyers if it's a bit of a trek.
It was a Daytona 675, in London. I'm in Reading, so it's a lot easier to do as much of the paperwork stuff over email/phone from home than it is to go and look at a bike just to find out the basic information.
Me too, hence asking. Wondered if it was anyone I knew.
Several Daytona owners around these parts seem to be selling theirs... either a Fireblade is THAT good, or the D is that bad! :D

Have you considered something like a Blackbird?

I've decided on a Street Triple, something more comfortable than the Daytona and less extreme.
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