Hi all.
A bit of background. I'm 38 and only ever had two jobs so my experience of moving and changing jobs is pretty much zero...
1st job was my part time job as i did my A-Levels which turned into a full time job when i didn't know what to do with my life. This was at Staples and was basically shelf stacking and warehouse work.
My 2nd and current job is IT Infrastructure Engineer. I've been here for 15 years and worked my way up from the helpdesk to where i am now. With this job I've got a 3 month notice period which sounded like a good idea at the time but now I'm looking for a new job, not so much...
For those in the know or have been through a similar situation does/did it cause harm trying to find a new job? Would i be better off handing my notice in now and then applying for lots of jobs over the next few months to get a head start? (This sounds scary from a paying the bills standpoint if it goes wrong.) Thanks in advance.
A bit of background. I'm 38 and only ever had two jobs so my experience of moving and changing jobs is pretty much zero...
1st job was my part time job as i did my A-Levels which turned into a full time job when i didn't know what to do with my life. This was at Staples and was basically shelf stacking and warehouse work.
My 2nd and current job is IT Infrastructure Engineer. I've been here for 15 years and worked my way up from the helpdesk to where i am now. With this job I've got a 3 month notice period which sounded like a good idea at the time but now I'm looking for a new job, not so much...
For those in the know or have been through a similar situation does/did it cause harm trying to find a new job? Would i be better off handing my notice in now and then applying for lots of jobs over the next few months to get a head start? (This sounds scary from a paying the bills standpoint if it goes wrong.) Thanks in advance.