Does a UST laser projector benefit from an ALR screen?

15 Apr 2012
Going to upgrade my projector setup in my man cave. I don’t want another projector on the ceiling so a UST projector is on my list, maybe an Epson LS500 as there’s a few used ones on Amazon for a decent price. I have a Sapphire 92” fixed screen in place just now but I’m wondering if upgrading to the 100” Sapphire ALR screen will make a big difference to image quality.

My man cave is always pretty dark apart from a few Hue lights for ambiance and to stop the missus failing over everything after a few glasses of cava :D

Any ust laser projector owners shed any light?
1000% yes in my situation, replaced the TV with an UST and so needed the ALR for great viewing in bright daylight. Noticeable improvement in the dark as well. Expensive but completely worth it.

I went for an XY screen as I read great reviews.
I have a laser UST on a cheap framed screen never found any issues with colour or contrast and view it in daylight but its all subjective. Your pretty close Rannoch so if your ever near Dundee feel free to pop round for a beer and have a look. I would say just try it first then you can always buy the screen if needed.
Yes but be aware some ALR screens do not work with UST projectors. ALR are often designed to reject any light that comes from sharp angels away from the screen which is just the place you would place a UST.
Thanks guys, the screen I was looking at was the Sapphire or Optoma from Richer Sounds.

@Dave85 thanks for the offer, I think I will try it on my existing screen as see how it goes.
Yes but be aware some ALR screens do not work with UST projectors. ALR are often designed to reject any light that comes from sharp angels away from the screen which is just the place you would place a UST.

I thought ALR screens were made for UST projectors? Every one I've ever looked at does the opposite of what you said
I thought ALR screens were made for UST projectors? Every one I've ever looked at does the opposite of what you said
When I looked into ALR screens a few years back it was the other way around. ALR only work if the projector light and ambient light are hitting the screen from different angles.

In this case which is how most ALR screens I have seen work, the ALR screen is accepting light within the blue triangle. But rejecting light in the yellow area which is where a UST would sit. There are plenty of ALR's for UST. Its just you need a ALR that match your projector type. My gray screens only works like the above screenshot and is useless for UST.
That picture just demonstrates a flat surface! Nothing special about it as far as I can make out. Have you found it made a big difference?
That picture just demonstrates a flat surface! Nothing special about it as far as I can make out. Have you found it made a big difference?
The lights above the screen are being rejected likewise any lamps or low light sources below the screen are being rejected so only light that is on the screen is within the blue triangle. The top two light sources are being removed. Not sure what you mean about nothing special.

It makes a big difference my blacks are a deeper black and it doubles the white levels in the image. Though the screen I have is useless for UST as it rejects any light from below, above or from the sides.
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