Does anyone do Online Gambling?

9 Dec 2006
I started doing some online gambling about 6 months ago & i started recording some of the following stats.

Deposit amount / Bet / Spins/ Wins per first 5 spins / Time of Day / Jackpot amount

I was curious if i could 'beat' the system. the first month i tried betting on dogs etc. then i tried slots, something I've spent a lot of time on in the real world too. (owned a bunch & tinkered with their settings)

the first thing i noticed is the longer you are away from the sites the more you can win when you return

So i setup a schedule that on payday every month i deposit £20 here are my results

i dont "enjoy" gambling, but i enjoy the actual game, working out features & going around the board etc. be happy to play these without any money involved

First month
Deposit £20
Won £10
Profit £10
Time: 20m
average bet 20p

Second month - noticed a pattern that jackpot amount & time of day helps wins
Deposit £20
Won £30
Profit £20
Time: 10m
average bet 20p

third month - noticed that you can win multiple times by switching bet type & have a "winning" streak
Deposit £20
Won £50
Profit £30
Time: 20m
average bet 40p

Fourth Month - noted you can win multiple times by switching games that are not owned by the same provider.
Deposit: £20
Profit: £100
Time: 28m
average bet 20p

Fifth Month: noticed tha some games pay out higher by default & delaying re-spin helps make the game pay out (thinking your going to leave)
Deposit £20
Won £200
Profit £180
Time: 40m
asverage bet 20p

sixth month: - noticed That mega win Slots are useful indicator of how many are online & how likely a jackpot will spit out.
deposit £20
Won £250
Profit: £230
Time: 35m
Average bet: 20p

I'm Not suggesting anyone gambles or you should gamble, Just sharing my facts. My wife kind hates my "luck" but she gets a gift every so often :D

Does anyone else gamble responsibly?
Only if you manage to stumble upon a logic error in the algorithms which are designed to keep people feeding money into them, while while possible, would probably be unlikely. Its clearly been set up to tempt people back who have gone away from it (probably morally questionable) but intended in such a way that the house doesn't loose long term, the only way to gain is if there is an edge case they hadn't considered or a bug that causes the system to fail to do what it was designed to do. Of course if such was discovered and it got used a lot, it would distort the figures enough that it would get fixed.....
indeed correct,

i reported a website bug i found to said site, where it had massive memory leak After 1 hour it would consume 16GB of memory from this 1 tab alone. all people in chat was complaining of LAG.

reported it, videoed it sent chrome debug logs & network stats, was 100% repeatable (tried 20 times across 3 boxes). They could not find it.. sent a email to the CEO (searched online) who put me in contact with the top end support.
Who reported it to their software team. They still could not find this bug, when it was 3 steps, Go into game room, open another game room & switch Rooms. every few minutes.
that was 6 months ago & its not not fixed..

you could see chrome debug memory usage skyrocket within seconds.

So even raising a bug to the CEO & informing them of intentional risks didn't help....
Am i missing something as it doesn't say how many times you paid 20p for the bets
Like you could have won £10 but could have spent £20 on buying the bets

Like you said you won £10 and then said that meant £10 profit but the bets are not free so how can it be £10 profit ?
Won/Profit is on top of deposit amount.
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