Does anyone else hate going to the barbers?

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
I hate going to the barbers. When I wore glasses I used to sit there blind, letting the guy get on with it and hoped for not too much of a shock at the end when I put my specs on. Now it's more sitting there uncomfortably, wait for him to ask me if I watch the football while he snips away, no I don't, notice how one eyebrow is slightly higher than the other, notice I'm getting a bit thin on top, bit of earwax dislodges in ear and feels like it might fall out, then have them style it how you don't like it. The guy yesterday was Mr Clippers, a bit rough with them and I thought he'd cut a slit in my forehead when he finally used the scissors. He literally scraped an entire layer of skin off with the cut-throat.

It actually looks pretty good today, all things considered. Anyone else hate the barbers or got any good barber stories?
Thats why I got my own set of clippers. Grade 3 all over. The missus takes the scissors to behind my ears to make sure its all tidy and job done. It saves a fortune too.
I'd look like Grouch off Sesame Street if I skinedded myself :p

Lol @ EHV :D
Why not go to a different barber/dresser? at most they may charge a few £ extra but at least you'll have someone more interesting cutting your hair.
I've been to loads of barbers over the years. Only liked one of them and it's miles and miles away :D
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