Does anyone else refuse to pay for Xbox multiplayer?

9 Jun 2006
I'm a long time PC gamer - a long time user of quality, free multiplayer with in-game music and chat support. So when I got my 360 not long after launch, I took a firm stance on not buying into M$'s 'service', especially after paying £60 for a wireless adapter. (Though it is admittedly becoming increasingly more tempting to do so). I was wondering, does anyone hold a similar grudge against Microsoft for making gamers pay for something that's always been free in the past? Am I just being ridiculously stubborn?
Wow, a lot more replies than I thought there'd be.
I'm glad I am not the only person being this stubborn :)
I don't think Live is expensive... It's just that I don't think it's right for MS to "rape" (nice word JUMPURS) us for something that's been free on all other platforms, especially as it's P2P. Wannabedamned makes a good point about Silver Vs Gold too.

If you never had any intention using Live, why did you pay £60 for a Wireless adapter??
I admit I was a bit of a noob doing this :p But I was able to download loads of demos that lasted me the 7 months while I didn't buy any games (I had thin pockets).
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