Does anyone find Cheech & Chong funny?

Back when VHS was hi tech and still quite rare, we'd have video partys, someone had this tape Cheech and Chong and my mostly Biker mates (I'm a Biker too) found it hilarious, I just thought it was dumb ... I suppose Humour is a very individual thing but this was not for me.
Man, just like..........chill and relax man, try not to be so like....................heavy man, you don't want to harsh my :D

Like most, I found it funny when I saw it as a teen, and I found the 2000's "reimagined" version (Harold and Kumar) funny when I was younger but post 30yo my ability to watch "stoner" humour has plummeted, although "Dude where my Car" will forever be a classic to me!
Man, just like..........chill and relax man, try not to be so like....................heavy man, you don't want to harsh my :D

Like most, I found it funny when I saw it as a teen, and I found the 2000's "reimagined" version (Harold and Kumar) funny when I was younger but post 30yo my ability to watch "stoner" humour has plummeted, although "Dude where my Car" will forever be a classic to me!
All of this.

Except Dude where's my brain. That's still a bad film. :D

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