Does anyone find mouse less smooth than pad?

16 Nov 2011
So i've gamed all my life on PC (i do game on other platforms, but pc has ALWAYS been my go to choice fort anything) , never had huge issues that cant be fixed, but ever since the release of the 360 i've grabbed myself an Xbox pad and find myself using it more than M/KB, mostly for singleplayer games, i can sit back and relax and not hunch over to the keyboard, however ofc i still use Mouse/Keyboard for FPS shooters online and RTS, MMOs etc.

However as of recently i've noticed a thing on both my rigs, on two seperate mouses and completely different builds that unless my fps is within like 85+ FPS (My monitor goes up to 144hz but i usually lock to 60hz and vsync at 60fps for fludiity, however i turn off vsync on mouse/keyboard) That the mouse is just rather stuttery, not the inputs, but in the background i notice graphics kind of juddering and not nearly as smooth as my pad. It makes me feel theres an issue somewhere but i've had the same problem on two of my rigs including at my friends house on his aswell.

Like, it's not a huge problem, but it just seems rather odd, it kinda looks horrible, i noticed it a lot on even PC exclusive games. My trick is to run 85hz and 85fps and that seems like a perfect mix of performance and smoothness with the mouse.

I dunno, maybe i'm just so accuston to 120hz mouse moving when its in 60 it just feels odd?

My rig is

SLi MSI 970 @ stock clocks
i7 4790k @ 4.7ghz
Cooled by a Corsair H110iGTX
MSI Gaming 7 z97a Motherboard
Quickfire TK Keyboard Cherry Blue
Zowie FK2 @ 1000hz
16GB (2x) Corsair Dominator Platinum @2400
Corsair 760w Platinum PSU

Gaming on an Acer 1080p Gsync monitor (but i dont use gsync)
So i've gamed all my life on PC (i do game on other platforms, but pc has ALWAYS been my go to choice fort anything) , never had huge issues that cant be fixed, but ever since the release of the 360 i've grabbed myself an Xbox pad and find myself using it more than M/KB, mostly for singleplayer games, i can sit back and relax and not hunch over to the keyboard, however ofc i still use Mouse/Keyboard for FPS shooters online and RTS, MMOs etc.

However as of recently i've noticed a thing on both my rigs, on two seperate mouses and completely different builds that unless my fps is within like 85+ FPS (My monitor goes up to 144hz but i usually lock to 60hz and vsync at 60fps for fludiity, however i turn off vsync on mouse/keyboard) That the mouse is just rather stuttery, not the inputs, but in the background i notice graphics kind of juddering and not nearly as smooth as my pad. It makes me feel theres an issue somewhere but i've had the same problem on two of my rigs including at my friends house on his aswell.

Like, it's not a huge problem, but it just seems rather odd, it kinda looks horrible, i noticed it a lot on even PC exclusive games. My trick is to run 85hz and 85fps and that seems like a perfect mix of performance and smoothness with the mouse.

I dunno, maybe i'm just so accuston to 120hz mouse moving when its in 60 it just feels odd?

My rig is

SLi MSI 970 @ stock clocks
i7 4790k @ 4.7ghz
Cooled by a Corsair H110iGTX
MSI Gaming 7 z97a Motherboard
Quickfire TK Keyboard Cherry Blue
Zowie FK2 @ 1000hz
16GB (2x) Corsair Dominator Platinum @2400
Corsair 760w Platinum PSU

Gaming on an Acer 1080p Gsync monitor (but i dont use gsync)

why are you not using gsync ??
I prefer to use controller in games where I can adjust my walk speed with the analog movement such as Witcher 3 and other RPGs. It makes me more immersed.
Mice allow jerky movements, it's naturally how we move it, wheras a pad accellerates up and down (compensating for accuracy by using auto aim moslty) and has a sort of inertia (some games that dont have it, especially older titles are really noticable).

Plus, you tend to lean back when playing controller as opposed to leaning forward with mouse.
Mice allow jerky movements, it's naturally how we move it, wheras a pad accellerates up and down (compensating for accuracy by using auto aim moslty) and has a sort of inertia (some games that dont have it, especially older titles are really noticable).

Plus, you tend to lean back when playing controller as opposed to leaning forward with mouse.

Yea i think its a combination of that and just like, even if i turn the sensitivity super down i still sometimes get a fair bit of jerkyness in the motion.

I mean, i love both for their own benefits, but i cant play some games with a mouse/keyboard because it just feels like controllers fill a gap that m/kb leave forf some game.

sometimes simplicity is better :3
I get this in BF4, feels like my mouse is "slow" or something but the game is smooth.

Less demanding games like CSGO feel perfect.
Only for games like witcher 3 really, 3rd person works without direct aiming.

First person which requires any degree of precision aiming them it's mouse & keyboard the whole way.
I find myself using both, GTA Online driving etc but when I know there is going to be a lot of shooting aka idiots chasing me then I'll use mouse and keyboard till they go away, Right now I'm playing through Sleeping Dogs I'm using the 360 controller for it, I just use whatever really feels better at the moment.

I can't say I know about this problem though as I've never payed it too much attention.
I find myself using both, GTA Online driving etc but when I know there is going to be a lot of shooting aka idiots chasing me then I'll use mouse and keyboard till they go away, Right now I'm playing through Sleeping Dogs I'm using the 360 controller for it, I just use whatever really feels better at the moment.

I can't say I know about this problem though as I've never payed it too much attention.

Yea i'm usually always on pad on GTA 5 but i dont play online, really dont like it that much.
What is this pad / controller thing of which you speak? :D

I just can't use a pad these days, I've tried with Batman Arkham Knight, Witcher 3 and Mad Max but compared to the freedom M&K allows, using a pad feels like having my hands bound together

All while still having to rage at amount of acceleration and aim assist having to be applied to make it work.
I am truly hopeless with a pad outside of sports and racing titles. Find them very infuriating and not precise in anything first and third person although good for mashing buttons in Street Fighter.
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