Does anyone get embarrassed really easily?

8 Feb 2006

For quite sometime now I have had a problem with my confidence. When I get embarrassed, believe me, I get embarrassed, my face gets hot and my face goes bright red. It feels very uncomfortable, and I don't remember having this problem in my earlier/mid teens, it's only recently in my later teens. I don't ever have this problem socializing with people I know, it's just when I have a conversation with someone I have just met (mainly girls).

The wrost situation is when I'm in class, and I'm attempting to make a contribution, I just go bright red and everyone looks at me and I feel so uncomfortable and silly.

So, I was wondering, has anyone else got this problem? Or has anyone previously had this problem and managed to overcome it?

Strangely enough, it comes and goes. I'll have phases where I'm absolutely fine talking with people, and I'm the most confident person you'll meet, other times it's a whole different story.

I can't even imagine going for a serious job interview, I wouldn't survive.
danza said:
Yes, I used to be the same. The same red/hot/uncomfortable feeling as you. Don't worry though, it will probably pass with age/experience.

I don't really care what people think anymore, but in some circumstances it can still be a bit difficult to speak infront of unfamiliar people.

I find beer helps... :p

I'm glad I'm not the only one, even though you have "grown out of if".

I have no doubts that beer would help, but considering my situation I would probably become an alcoholic. :p :)
Firstly, thanks to everyone who has posted.

rlm said:
Justt out of interest, to the op, do you suffer any other symptoms or just the blushing. I don't think that it and anxiety are connected but they definatly go hand in hand for some people. I do quite a lot of reading up on this kinda stuff so if anyone wants any more information then I'll try and help.

I do suffer other symptoms, and it does seem that I have Social Anxiety Disorder. I read up on it and I feel it would be the correct diagnosis. I have always thought that I don't really care about what people think about me, but obviously I probably do.

This is going to sound ridiculous, and I'm sorry, but the most terrifying moment of my life when when I first started my course and the teacher said something in the lines of "Let's go round the class and all introuduce ourselves and tell everyone a little bit about ourselves". I was just terrified (ridiculous, I know) and my heart was beating so fast and hard, I must have been shaking too, I was in so much fear. I tryed hard to relax myself, but when it came to my turn to talk, I must have looked like such an idiot, I think I stuttered, and probably looked very nervous. Before it was my turn, I was so worried, I felt like getting up and asking the teacher if I could quickly go to the toilet, in order to spare the humiliation, but I decided that would look slightly strange.

The exact thing happens at work when we have a little training session, my heart just sinks, and the fear and apprehension kicks in. The manager says "Right, Andrew, it's your turn" and I start going bright red, but even before he mentions my name, I start shaking, and go into a state of fear, just the words "training session" gets me going. I always say, I'll go last, and I always hope that something will happen which will mean I won't have to do it, I even try sneaking of when no one is paying any attention to me.

I feel this is really holding me back, I always try my absolute best to avoid any heated discussions or confrontation, and even conversation at all if it's someone I don't know.

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Kerplunk said:
You sound quite depressed, and every day is a chore, I guess you wake up to the same feeling every morning.

Have you tried perhaps thinking about the good things about yourself?

Its probably been mentioned but no-one knows how you feel, they only get an 'impression' when they look at you, even at that they probably wont care.

Its also imprtant not to think/worry about it because that just leads to deeper thoughts and ways of avoding situations.

My advice will be, do the things that you avoid, do them in your own way/style, but do them.

It will soon become a routine and you should find your feet a bit better.

At the moment you sound very unsure about yourself, but that is a part fo growing up, finding out who you are. With age you will also find stuff about yourself that you probably think you could never do, but as a human being you become a lot more confident down the line.

Hope this helps. Stick at it. :)

To be honest, I don't feel particularly depressed. I usually just get on with things, I have a job which requires talking to absoulte strangers face-to-face which can be problematic at times...I just try to stick with who I already know.
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