Does anyone have a Creative Decoder DDTS-100?

6 Jan 2006
Im asking because I was wondering if they are any good?

I need to know weather they supply extra 3.5mm audio cables though, because once the speaker cables are plugged into it I obviously need some more cables to connect my PC to it aswell. I cant seem to find information on what cables/accesories are included with it.

I'm thinking of getting one myself a quick question though, do you have to manually select which input is active or are they all processed at the same time? The latter is what i want, theres no point me getting it if it can't do that.
Well if you have connected both optical and analogue inputs to the decoder for example, you have too select which input you are using either optical or analogue but thats just a simple press of a button on the remote.

Tis that what you mean?
Well no thats not what i want, I'd like it to be that it outputs all connected devices (whether digital or analog) to the speakers at the same time so you dont have to switch between them.

For example, when my friend comes over with his 360 i usually have connected to my computer, my 360 through optical, his 360 through analog (phonos) and of course the output from my computer. Sounds silly i know but thats the way i want it.
The Mad One said:
Well no thats not what i want, I'd like it to be that it outputs all connected devices (whether digital or analog) to the speakers at the same time so you dont have to switch between them.

For example, when my friend comes over with his 360 i usually have connected to my computer, my 360 through optical, his 360 through analog (phonos) and of course the output from my computer. Sounds silly i know but thats the way i want it.

This would not be possible...You cannot send two different signals to the same speakers at the same time..
With the creative decoder you mean? I'm doing it atm with my x-fi, the main reason i want an external decoder is that i get major crackling from my optical in with my 360, its most noticable on something like call of duty when an explosion happens.

Oh well maybe theres something else i can try....
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