I'm having a hard time working out what the 4 temp sensors are giving me readings from.
temp1 is CPU
temp2 is mobo
temp3 is 29 degrees idle
temp1 (?) is 40 degrees idle
I've got a zalman heatsink on the chipset and i wouldnt expect it to be at 40 degrees, although theres not too much circulation around it.
I'm just wondering what the temp1 and temp 3 sensors are, because i want to drive down the 40 degree temp as much as i can.
temp1 is CPU
temp2 is mobo
temp3 is 29 degrees idle
temp1 (?) is 40 degrees idle
I've got a zalman heatsink on the chipset and i wouldnt expect it to be at 40 degrees, although theres not too much circulation around it.
I'm just wondering what the temp1 and temp 3 sensors are, because i want to drive down the 40 degree temp as much as i can.