Does anyone use their bike to commute?



18 Oct 2002
Just wondering which of you guys use your bikes for commuting, what mileage you do daily and what your job is?

I only work 5 miles away from my house, due to the nature of my business I mostly use my car.

What about you guys?
What do you guys do for workwear?

Do you ride to work in your suit/ shirt and pants + motorbike jacket?
I used to use the RSV for commuting to work until our son came along in March earlier this year. Now it's not really an option as we've settled into a routine of swapping cars at places on the way to work, doing baby handovers and dropping him off at my folks house near my work for babysitting duties. I think the feds would have something to say if I strapped the wee fella onto the pillion seat on the Mille. :p

My current commute is a 36 mile round trip and to be honest, if ever I get the opportunity to use something other than the car I generally choose to do it on two wheels but not the RSV - I cycle instead. Finally, job - I'm a Crew Commander in the Fire & Rescue Service.

Cycle 36 miles? Crazy!
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