Does copying files between shares round trip through the accessing PC?

22 Jun 2018
Doon the watah ... Scotland
I'm considering re-jigging and consolidating data my NAS / home server setup. With the data thats on there, I'm going to have to move it between drives / drive pools - but essentially, the data is all on the same single machine in various shares / drive pools.

I have the shares on the server visible as network connected drives on my windows machine, if I were to copy-paste data across between them, would the data have to round trip via my windows machine? ie.

share 1 > send data to windows PC > send data to share 2

or does it automatically realise that its on the same machine and would it direct transfer within the server between the shares?

I'm just trying to plan a bit. I imagine that round-tripping via the windows machine would lose a lot of transfer speed compared to direct transfer.
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Yes, it would take the long route, share 1 > send data to windows PC > send data to share 2.

If you want to avoid that, you'd need to initiate the copy from one of the devices actually holding either the source or destination location. You mention a NAS but also a home server, so not sure exactly what you have. If the server is running Windows, just use Remote Desktop to control it and start the copy that way.

Home server was perhaps not the best description. Its an older Dell rack server running ubuntu server with ZFS drive pools that are shared via samba. It is also running the CCTV system. If it takes the long route, then I'll SSH into it and copy directly from within the machine ... just need to make sure I type the commands correctly !
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