Does credit score go up when a ccj is removed?

25 Mar 2015
A friend has had a ccj for the last 6 years and it's due to come off by the end of this month. He's got no other issues with his credit score apart from this, does his score then go up when the ccj falls off? If so by how many points does the score increase please or it does not go up?
To be honest as time goes by, the affect the CCJ has on you goes down so chances are you friend's score is probably already better now than when it was when they first got the CCJ. Also paying it off and having it marked as satisfied helps.
Oh and so in other words, you are saying it probably won't go up?
Thanks all, as usual, you've all be engaging and informative. Has anyone actually had a ccj removed if so, how many points did you gain, he's very preoccupied with the points .. I know it's clear that other things also matter, but the points is what he's mainly interested in ...
Depends what the rest of the credit record is like? Does he have any defaults and missed payments? Usually folk with CCJ's have other things besides the CCJ.
No defaults. By chance a few years ago, he asked me to be his guarantor when he was trying to rent a property, that conversation helped him a lot because I was then able to findout that he never really cared about his credit score. He was earning good money, but he had bad credit history. So over the last years, he's managed to tighten things and he has no defaults, but just the ccj and a few missed payments, on one account he had forgotten about.
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