Does cycling damage the knees?

26 Mar 2012
I bought a mountain bike a about a month ago, and spend around 2 to 3 hrs cycling over the weekend. I've noticed my knees hurt when I walk upstaires (but not always)

Is cycling bad for the knees?

I used to get really sore knees and calf's so I went to a guy who helped me setup the bike. I had the saddle way too low so wasn't getting enough leg extension which was causing it all. Do you have any mates who are keen cyclists and can help set it up?

Generally cycling is fine if your bike is set up correctly and your not over doing it.

DanF, no I don't have cyclists friends, but you helped me a lot. I guess I can ask people in Halfords or Evans?

Thanks for your help, really kind of you
I would check your saddle height, AFAIK you should be just an inch or two less than full stretch at the bottom of the pedal.

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I am prepared to be proved wrong :D

Yes, you may be right, it must be something simple like this. I'll adjust my seat so that I can get the perfect balance.
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