Does Google Chief's bashfulness prove pay at the top is skewed.

8 Mar 2007
When it comes to pay disclosure, I've always been of the opinion that if you have nothing to hide, why not be open about what you earn?

Matt Brittin's inability, or rather shy refusal, to state his basic salary at the Public Accounts Committee today can only be interpreted as him feeling that most people would be staggered by the amount.

If pay was truly meritocratic, rather than rising exponentially, then we would all understand that people with better jobs than us get paid more. Afterall it's not like Communism is a popular ideology here.

So do you agree his embarrassment was due to the fact that deep down, in his heart, he knew non one is actually "worth" what he earns?
22 Mar 2006
I agree if he was a public servant then yes otherwise not our business what a private company want to pay people, they should however pay full tax as should he and i bet he doesnt.
17 Oct 2002
When it comes to pay disclosure, I've always been of the opinion that if you have nothing to hide, why not be open about what you earn?

A jew in 1930's germany, a muslim at a trump rally, a moderate on the internet - all these things are not intrinsically bad but you would be foolish or brave to open up about it.

I remember a journalist asking people who the rich were, and it didn't matter how far up the scale you went, the answer was someone who had a lot more than the person they asked.

It's all relative. There's quite simply not a single person in the UK who is not 'rich' by global standards yet you don't see anyone on minimum wage comparing downwards when complaining how unfair the world is.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Looked to me more like he is relatively well paid and didn't want to seem vulgar (not that it would have made much odds) rather than not knowing roughly what he is paid.
18 Oct 2002
Why is it any of our business?

It's our business because Google have claimed that the London subsidiary essentially carries out basic administrative tasks. Looking at the salaries of the people employed there can go a long way to rubbishing that claim.
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