Does Jailbreak void warranty?

30 Aug 2004
Hi All,

As the title says, does it?

I'm getting an iPod Touch for my birthday, and I want to Jailbreak it, but I don't want to void the warranty ...

Sorry if this has been asked like a million time, I looked, but couldn't find any reliable information regarding warranty.

cheers OzZie :)

i'll take a look at the videos, and if i'm still unsure i'll take you up on your offer :)

is it worth doing then? i don't even know what you can do once it has jailbreak on it, all i know is you can install 3rd party apps, and everyone seems to be doing it :)
cool, is there a centralised website with all / most of the jailbreak applications on it? if so, anyone have the link? (as long as it doesn't break any forum rules?)

cheers, the suggested apps look cool :D can't wait for my iTouch now! :p
changed my mind, think i'm gonna get an iPhone now :D

i'm due a new phone anyways! :p

EDIT: what does o2 mean by unlimited UK data? does it mean i can look at as many sites etc as i want using EDGE? or just wifi hotspots?
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Cool, anyone used EDGE much? what do you reckon? fast (enough)?

still deciding whether to get an iTouch and a new phone (free anyway with a £35 contract), or just an iPhone :confused:

cheers for all your help and advice :D
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