Does Lubuntu 20.04 support SSD?

30 Jan 2019
Does Lubuntu 20.04 support SSD? The reason I'm asking this is because I'm losing hard drive space each day. I'm not downloading anything and updates are set to every two weeks.

I had set this computer up for internet browsing only with a 120 GB SSD with two partitions. I set a 50GB partition for Lubuntu as I figured that would be enough for what I was using it for. I'm now down to 30GB out of that 50GB
Any OS that supports SATA/NVMe will "support SSD" - it has no way to know it's running on a SSD unless it asks for SSD-specific features. You might be thinking of TRIM support which is a feature introduced and used by SSDs - but that doesn't affect free space allocation in a filesystem, it's an optimisation feature.

Try using a tool that will show disk usage stats:
* GNOME Disk Usage Analyzer (GTK)
* QDirStat (KDE / QT5)
* ncdu (CLI / curses)

maybe you have lots of logs or temporary files:
du -sh /var/log /var/tmp /tmp
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