Does Motor Sport Punish all the wrong people?



26 Jun 2005
After looking at winning teams and teams that become extremely successful it seems they are the ones to be Punished.

For Example. Skylines were banned from Bathurst then followed by a complete blanket ban on anything that was Australian because Holdens and Fords were struggling against them too much.
Skylines got a heap of rules and regulations and restrictions put on them because they kept winning in the JPGT(I think thats the name of it)
Cars in the F1 like Ferrari and Renault get rules and regulations put on them when they are being successful.
And there have been all sorts thrown around in rally competitions

Thats just a few but there are heaps of examples out there.

Its done to keep the racing "Closer" But all it seems to doing is making the racing become boring.
They should stop punishing the teams that come up with new ideas and new ways to win.
It should be up to the other teams to close the gap and not be scared to in case they clamp down on rules.
I would like to see motor sport be like it was back in the 80s where F1 cars were pushing 1000BHP and the B spec rally cars were pushing 800BHP because it was up to teams to build the fastest and best car they could.
I would like to see them remove some of these regulations and stop punishing the winning teams for coming up with new ideas.
They might actually make some progress then and make racing closer and tighter and come up with new technology that can go into normal road going cars.
Berger said:
In F1 it wasnt just ferrari using that flexible rear wing, one of the back of the grid teams got caught using it a couple of GPs ago and disqualified as well.

Most teams have used the mass damper system, just the renault seems to rely on it a bit more, and as they are expected to be at the front of the grid and now they seem to be suffering a little, its an obvious scapegoat/crutch for them to lean on ;)

The main reason for systems being banned was safety really, otherwise we would be having 1500 bhp cars with several turbochargers and weighing in at about a ton doing stupid speeds with really high danger.

Back then it was dangerous but these days it might still be dangerous but they have better safety equipment and designs to help.

Im not just talking about F1 BTW :)
DRZ said:
Group B rallying was brought to an end because too many people died.

I knew that, That had some really terrible crowd control :(

I would prefere them to share the things they make with each other because Motor sport is really becoming stale these days
JRS said:
I'm still a big believer in saying "Alright lads, here we have a ractangle painted on the ground. As long as your car fits inside it, and the engine is of a capacity that we set out, then it's legal. Have as many cylinders as you like, have as many wheels as you like. Just go nuts."

JRS FOR F1 CHAIRMAN!!!! :cool:
Memphis said:
While I agree in principle, you would then just kiss goodbye to all the privateer teams as they wouldn't not be competitive against the manufacturer backed entries.

TBH The Privater teams are hardly Competing, they are just back markers that are getting in the way of the Manufactures coming around to lap them
robbiemc said:
Thats exactly what I'm saying. However rallying has its roots in spectators lining the routes, and you can't really expect the organisers to just ignore their duty of care to the spectators. Hell, if it came down to it, all it needs is one big lawsuit to kill it all. You can't make a rally course 'safe' so you're just left with banning all spectators and leaving it all to TV..that sounds a bit dull.

I'm actually quite surprised that rallying has survived so well in this litigious society, there's no barriers and no crowd control yet it carries on.

Actually you would have noticed that rallying safety standards have improves greatly.
People are not aloud to stand on the out side of the corners, and in other areas.
There are Marshals around the track to point them where to go and to help rally drivers that crash and they also have yellow flags.
Its much safer then it used to be.
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