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Does my 3080 founders need some tlc?

19 Feb 2006
West Mids

Hi guys, I have noticed my 3080 massively dropping its clock speeds during gaming, to dig a little deeper I set the fan speed to 90% and opened Kombuster while GPU-Z was open and the results are attached.
Am I right in thinking the GPU should technically never thermal throttle and should instead be bouncing off the power limit?
The card is 3 year old founders edition, would a re-paste likely fix this issue? The fans are going crazy during gaming and still not keeping the temps under control.
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Yeah that's what I figured, just never opened a GPU up before haha, and have nothing to fall back on. Time to watch some YouTube videos I guess, as it's performing like a 3060 at present :(
I just noticed i'm loosing 50% of my clock speed, ouch.
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I think it's keeping it's self at 90C GPU temp and 105C hot spot, that must be the safety mechanisms kicking in or something. It boosts to 2000mhz until it reaches either of those, then nose dives the clocks and power draw. I guess I always knew it needed re-pasting, just scared to do it haha, oh well as GaryEats says, lets give it a go!
your postimg link has expired so i can't see the temps (imgur is better)
Thanks, have reuploaded to imgur.
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It was bought in Feb 2022, so just missed the warranty period haha, oh well.
With it being a 2022 model, I assume I need a mix of 1.5 and 2.0 as shown below?

So a pack of 1.5 and a pack of 2.0 gelid extreme pads are needed. Would MX-6 paste be ok? as it seems reasonably priced and good stock.
I used ultimate gelid 1.5mm , after the extreme 2mm didn't work

I still believe they changed something later batches on with the 2mm extreme
Oh thats interesting, I was hoping the 0.5mm difference would just compress and not make any difference in the end.
ptm7950 you say, very interesting. I noticed thats what Sapphire are using in there 9070/XT models as well. So its just like a thermal pad that you cut to size and stick on?
I imagine its incredibly thin and a pain to work with though. Challenge potentially accepted.
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ok so I have some 2.0 Gelid extreme pad and 1.5 Artic TP-3 pad on the way (1.5mm Gelid was not in stock) and will just have to measure whats on there after opening up.
My nephew has a 4g of MX-6 that I can have, so I might just try that and see what happens? If it lasts a few months I would be happy with that, have an eye on the AMD 9070XT anyway, but if this was to work, I would happily keep the 3080!

Any major objections to the above? I note ptm7950 is better but I have pasted a lot CPU in my time so likely more comfortable with a paste on my first GPU. (and the MX-6 is free, always helps)
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Yeah I should be good on the cleaning side, I have a bottle of 99.9 IPA and some microfibre cloths. I dont have an airblower or any compressed air cans but I don't think dust will be an issue at all, it's in a filtered case in a filtered room, but it has been 3 years I guess. We shall see! Thanks for all the advice and confidence boost guys.

Also, im not going to bother redoing the pads on the backplate (rear of memory) google seems to show it has no effect what so ever on temps of the VRAM.

TLDR - new front pads = -14c improvement, new front and back = -16c improvement, so doing the back not hugely worth it, however I expect to see a ~-20c improvement in my 3080 due to age.
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