Looking to upgrade to faster ram ( I currently have 2400mhz OC'd to 3000mhz )
I'd like at least 3200mhz and RGB.
Corsair Vengeance do 2x8GB in 3200mhz and also 3600mhz.
Would I best getting 3200 or 3600 ?
I am confused because on my mobo spec it doesn't say 3600mhz...
I'm considering getting at least two dummy RGB ram from corsair vengeance too as its only £30
I'd like at least 3200mhz and RGB.
Corsair Vengeance do 2x8GB in 3200mhz and also 3600mhz.
Would I best getting 3200 or 3600 ?
I am confused because on my mobo spec it doesn't say 3600mhz...
I'm considering getting at least two dummy RGB ram from corsair vengeance too as its only £30