Does My Mobo + CPU support 3600mhz ?

17 Feb 2009
Looking to upgrade to faster ram ( I currently have 2400mhz OC'd to 3000mhz )

I'd like at least 3200mhz and RGB.

Corsair Vengeance do 2x8GB in 3200mhz and also 3600mhz.

Would I best getting 3200 or 3600 ?

I am confused because on my mobo spec it doesn't say 3600mhz...

I'm considering getting at least two dummy RGB ram from corsair vengeance too as its only £30
It's should be fine, I've got the same board and had memory running at different speeds including 3600 MHz.

2x8gb will pretty much run at any speed you like, even had mine up to 4400mhz which is quite a bit above the max speed listed for the board.
Ok guys great, thanks.

Before I buy, in future if I was to upgrade to a Gen 4 ryzen would it still work @ 3600mhz ?
On my mobo website it says
Ok guys great, thanks.

Before I buy, in future if I was to upgrade to a Gen 4 ryzen would it still work @ 3600mhz ?
On my mobo website it says
It will be fine with ryzen 5000 series CPUs as they use the same memory controller as your current ryzen 3600.
It will be fine with ryzen 5000 series CPUs as they use the same memory controller as your current ryzen 3600.

nice one thanks dude.

Think i'll get 2x8GB Vengeance 3600mhz and 2 Dummy RGBs

I'll get the RAM first just to make sure there's enough clearance for the dummys
I'm assuming it doesn't list 3600mhz as they can only list so many as theres loads of different frequencies which will work.

Other thing is does the timings look good...
CAS Latency 18-22-22-42
I went for 16GB of ram at 3600mhz for a speed increase rather than getting more ram ( 32GB ) as I've monitored my ram usage in games like cyberpunk and it rarely goes above 50% usage.

Does that sound right ?

Also for a bit of RGB lol

If it fits ok I'll consider getting two dummy modules for extra rgb
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Installed ok. Didn't boot at first so I put my old RAM back in, changed it from 3000mhz to Auto. Booted up into BIOS, set XMP on @ 3600mhz and all good :D
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