Does running FRAPS really affect your frame rate?

12 May 2011
And I mean just using it to see your fps, not benchmark or record video.

I've heard people say that it does but I guess it is something you can't really measure as you can only really measure fps with a frame rate counter!
Uhhh... it's utterly trivial on resources just displaying fps.

The only moan about it is the very substantial resource hogging when you start recording.
Not for just displaying your FPS. It sucks. Use MSI AB

I bought FRAPS in 2004 while in Uni. I still have my login. But it's not caught up with the times imho.
Honestly the hit to FPS wasn't nearly as bad if you recorded to a separate hard drive and had a decent CPU. There are better options these days for recording though. I still have the trial installed for checking my FPS mind.
^^ Yeah before SSDs I used to have a short stroked high performance drive just for recording fraps to during gaming.
Shadowplay has unnoticable penalties in the same circumstances because the gpu is handling it but it does record in a much more annoying format for me.

Much easier to edit avi.
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