Does SSD make a difference in gaming?

I dont think so, depends on game i guess, everytime game needs to read data from hd it will be faster, such as starting up, loading game, loading one area to another are within game....
If you haven't already got one an SSD is one of the best upgrades you can make to a computer, every program you load from the drive will be that much faster, Windows booting in seconds and games loading noticeably faster. Another benefit is the life span, a 5 year warranty is pretty standard and the Pro variant of the Samsung drives have, I believe, a 10 year warranty.

There's also a significant reduction in noise if your concious about that at all.
Can't imagine playing wildlands without an SSD, it hammers mine and you get stutters.

Anything that doesn't stream or take forever to load goes on a mechanical.
Hi all,

Other than loading times, is there any other benefit to having a SSD for gaming compared to having a mechanical?

Thanks :)

Short answer, no. Long answer, some games stream textures, with games like that you can drastically reduce texture pop in with an SSD. That is still a benefit of faster loading though, just one that's more visually obvious.
Already own two SSDs. A seagate 600 series 480GB and a Samsung 840 Evo 250GB. Plan on upgrading the latter to a higher capacity.

I'm into Simulators, mainly Flight Sim, Train Sim but also play other games such as OpenTTD, GTA V, Cities Skylines etc.

Looking at getting either the 500GB varient of the Samsung 850 Evo or the Crucial MX300 525GB SSD at the moment (SATA not m.2).
Im lucky, I have ton of NVMe drives to store games and OS.
personally, if your low on Cash, 128/256GB SSD for OS as thats the heart of your system and larger HDD for your games - can get SSHD which speeds things up a bit of more fancier intel Octane driver if you've got the hardware.

games taking up so much space and ram prices doubling over last 18 months- bought a 1TB SSD for £170 then and now its £300 hard to justify the costs for large drives . Raid 0 2 or 3 3TB HDD and should speed up things greatly whilst given a ton of space.

classic case of nothing is right or wrong - Naturally it will always be faster - just justifying the costs
Generally SSDs are the best PC innovation in quite a long time, in terms of performance boost per cost. Games do benefit but they actually tend to benefit less so than other applications because game files tend to be optimised for sequential reads, which HDDs are relatively good at. I echo the sentiment that having an SSD for your OS and applications with games on a separate HDD is sufficient if you can't afford a large enough SSD to hold all of your games. Personally I have my most played games on my SSD and the rest on an HDD.
You won't get more fps, but any loading times are substantially quicker.

SSD's are the best thing to happen to pcs in recent times. I'd never use a mechanical drive for anything other than media storage again.
For Windows itself, an SSD is nothing short of vital.
For almost everything else, its placebo.

For example, all of my systems, including my Laptops, have C: as a 120GB SSD, but the Data/Apps are on normal HD.
I tend to prefer WD BLack as they are faster than normal HDs, but my D: Drive on my main PC is 2x2TB WD Blacks and this is used for all my games and apps and E:, as its morlty used for Media, is a basic 2TB Seagate.
In honestly putting MP3s and Movies onto an SSD would not benefit me one bit. Hell, most of my movies and TV progas are on the NAS Drives.

Also, just for the kicks, I have done some messing about with RAM drives, in my main PC, my Gaming PC, and my server, purely for the hell of it, and I have found that the games I play do not benefit in the slightest from being stored in RAM other than actual loading times. I think with Dawn or War 3, the game does automatically save your game as you go along and on the HD, its a 2 seconf wait and when in RAM, its still a 1 second wait, so you have to ask yourself... An SSD might save me one second on a game... MIGHT... Is it worth the money?

Not now it isnt no, but SSDs are coming down in price and its only a matter of time before HDs wil be replaced by SSDs as a viable option, and then, you would be an idiot NOT to go SSD.

But for now... Use one as your C: - thats not even a debate, but for your games etc, its just not worth it that much...

I think if you play only one or two games, then maybe if you only have them installed on an SSD, then it might be worth considering though.
Yes they make a huge difference. Basically stuff loads faster. Obviously the game starts up faster, but in-game it also affects the time taken to load in new levels, enter dungeons, teleport from one region to the next and so on. It can also eliminate visual stuttering in certain games, for example, in an overcrowded area in an mmo. This is where a large amount of data is loaded in a short space of time. On my games PC I have a 500GB SSD which was cloned over from a 10,000rpm mechanical drive. The difference with the SSD is very noticeable. It's like having superior icing on your cake! Well worth the money in my opinion.
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