Does The 360 Really Need the Jap Market?

2 Mar 2004
I got thinking the USA and europe markets together are bigger then the Jap market and the euro market is the fastest growing games market in the world

So does microsoft really need the Jap market??
Baine said:
So does microsoft really need the Jap market??

do the japs need the 360 you mean they dont seem very keen on the uptake

after all

and as for the growing euro market it's really not that big compared to the

other 2

cant be that important nintendo havn't given a t**s for the euro market in

IMO We need them more than they need us, most of the best games\consoles come from Japan, The 360 is an exception to that rule.
We'll find out soon enough.

There is no question that the PS3 and the Revolution will outsell the Xbox 360 in Japan.. it's a question of whether the Xbox 360 can outsell the PS3/Revolution in the USA and Europe
Japanese developers have created a lot of the greatest games ever made. If the Xbox 360 doesn't sell in Japan then I'm sure a lot of these developers would jump ship to other platforms.

I doubt the Xbox 360 will be considered a failure if it isn't a success in Japan, but if you want to play the best games available on it then I think success in Japan is very important.
That's a very good point Tunney, a lot of the best/most innovative games have come from Japan.

You just have to look at the likes of DDR, Nintendogs, trauma life on the edge, and then the likes of Mario/Zelda, Shenmua, the FF series etc.
The japanese might only be a smallish market but they have a lot of very good games designers and companies who aren't afraid to try something a bit different (at least until EA buys them all up).
Japan is an influential and important market for the 360, if it doesn't make inroads into this market I don't think it will make the 360 a failure, just that it won't have quite reached the expectations of the console market.

thing is probably a small amount of games actually reach the us or european market due to us quite possibly hating some of there games. i believe that they should atleast try bringing some eastern games across.. would be a change from the same old.
If the 360 cracks Japan (which it won't) then m$ will say "We told you so"
If the 360 it a failure in Japan (which it will be) then m$ will quietly brush that under the carpet and brag about how well it did in the west :)

Just my opinion !!
They don't need it if they can make a profit in Europe/US and survive without many top asian games developers, however if they ever want to be number one and oust Playstation then it's a necessity.
Microsoft obviously aren't too bothered about the Japanese market just yet, since their launch line-up over there was absolutely pitiful. Maybe they have some long-term plan we aren't aware of.
I think that in order to be number 1 in the games industry, you have to beat Sony on their home turf... there's no two ways about it.

Currently M$ aren't even close to beating Nintendo on their home turf.

The problem (as I see it) is that m$ just dont "get" Japan.
I'm sure there are loads of people on here such as me who like jap films/music/anime/culture and its just something you know inside, its a feeling that can't be put into words, the 360 just doesn't fit in Japan.
Its all wrong.
As powerful as it is and as good as XBL is, it JUST DOESN'T FIT !!! :)
If M$ want to crack the japanese market they need to flood the market with the usual japanese crap.

Seriously, there are literally thousands of games released in Japan every year, and the law of averages tells us that once in a while a game will be good... they're the japanese games we get over here.

But the japanese top 10 games probably arn't a huge proportion of the market. I mean over here the top ten chart probably counts for a large majority of the sales. In japan however, go into a video game store and for every person picking up a copy of a top ten game there are five picking up crap like "Dog racing bets", "Waterskiing bets", "Wuzel fights monkey man for money"... seriously... gambling games are HUGE. And the others are weird... From what I can gather strange crappy rpgs, pointless "hit 3 buttons in time to music to pull of a speacial move" scripted fighting game, and weird ass gambling games make up a lot of the market.

I'm not saying all japanese studios are crap... some produce excellent games. But Japanese people like weird games... yes they'll want an xbox 360 for DOA4. But if they can't get their strange games fix to go along with it there isn't much else to draw them towards an xbox 360.
a lot of people here are saying that Jap developers might no support the system if it doesnt sell well in japan ,meaning that we might not get the great Jap made games that we all know and love.

I personaly dont think this is the case after all the Xbox hasnt sold that well in Japan and that never stoped SEGA and CAPCOM from suporting the console

Also we all know the 360 is being suported by


This is every big Jap player ??
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Valleyman said:
Stuff about japanese games.

I've got to agree, horse racing simulators and god knows how many million generic Schoolgirl rape RPGs is what microsoft need to crack the japanese market.
Those crazy asians, never happy unless they are spunking money on "waka funky guitar overture 17" at the three thirty at kempton or spun................. well you get the idea.
There maybe be a lot of off-the-wall games in Japan, but they've also made some of the best RPG's and adventure games ever created.

Personally I could do without "TRU STREET CRIME FO' SHO 2k7", i'd much rather play Shadow of the Collosus, Final Fantasy, Mario or Zelda.
Chads said:
There maybe be a lot of off-the-wall games in Japan, but they've also made some of the best RPG's and adventure games ever created.

Personally I could do without "TRU STREET CRIME FO' SHO 2k7", i'd much rather play Shadow of the Collosus, Final Fantasy, Mario or Zelda.

True, Japanese games are undoubtably some of the best.

However, although the average japanese person may want to play xbox360 exclusive titles such as DOA4, and other team ninja titles is it enough for them to actually buy the console?

If they can't get their fix of strange games, which make up 90% of their games collection on other systems they won't see a 360 as a "good deal". They'll see it as very limited.
Lets not beat around the bush here, the japanese make the best games. Namco, Capcom, Nintendo, Square, Konomi. Everyone has a game in there top ten list from one of these companies.

Any console has to have a large foot hold in the japanese market to survive. why do you think the xbox has very little or few quality jap games on it.
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