Does this mail icns work for you?

22 Jun 2004
Bangkok, Thailand (formally London)

Ok I have looked everywhere, and the only place I can find the UK stamp style mail icon is at Deviantart, but on my Leopard Mac Pro and my Tiger MBP the icns I download from there seems to be invalid?

Could some of you try downloading the following: and then unzip, and tell me if the icns is valid for you?

Now in Leopard it may appear valid, but it will 1. Have a bg and border to it and 2. when you "Get Info" it the icon doesn't show in the top left, this also means when I try and use the icon for Mail it don't work.

Does it work for you? Or do you know another place I can get hold of this? Not a fan of the yankee style mail icon.

Anyone? Come on, Ii'm sure someone can give this file a download for me... please?
Why does it say Stockly Park US? is it not Stockly park UK? Anywhoo I edited my one for peace of mind.

Hmm, I don't want to use candybar, it should work by just copy and pasting to the mail app get info window, but it doesn't work for me?

So when you guys right click and get info it, does the icon appear in the top left?
Okay.... First quit Mail...

1. Rename your new icon to "app.icns"...


2. Go into your "Applications folder and right click choosing "Show Package Contents"...


3. Open "Contents" > "Resources" and rename the file with the old icon called "app.icns" to "app2.icns"...


4. Copy in the new "app.icns" file to the "Resources" folder, and review that you have the file in the right place.


5. Close the Finder window...

6. Open Mail and Enjoy!

Nice one, that worked... still don't know why the icns doesn't function the same as all the others, but oh well!

You can't do a get info and change the icon from an icns file you will just end up with the icon for the icns file type... Because when you get info on the icns file to copy its icon your copying not the image but the icns for the icns file type....
Cheers dude, I just checked most of the other icons I've downloaded, and although I thought they where icns, it appears they are kind "folder" or "document" with the icns applied to them opposed to "icns" like this one is. So when I get info and copied those it worked.
Nice one, that worked... still don't know why the icns doesn't function the same as all the others, but oh well!


...because it's a system app, and shouldn't be messed with (so you can't use the copy-and-paste method)

To quote the sticky..

FAQ - How Do I Change System Application Icons (like Mail)?

Some Applications require you to delve a little deeper in order to change the icon. For example, Apple Mail.

In order to change these icons you have to replace the .icns file within the app itself. A guide on how to do this can be found here or here.
...because it's a system app, and shouldn't be messed with (so you can't use the copy-and-paste method)

To quote the sticky..

Its not true EVH, it didn't work because he was copying from the .icns file not the folder with the pre-stamped icon, so he was trying to set the icon of the mail app to a file, which is not possible as its expecting icon/image data not a file to be sent.
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