Does this make you happy or sad?

16 Aug 2008
So I flick open the paper sometimes, came across this one this morning..

First of all I must say (I know its not the best paper)

But yes, this article is about 'The mother of 8 children at the age of 30' and it doesn't really give an opinion on whether the mail like or dislike the news..

For me though, I can't help but think omg if lots of ladies follow her example then overpopulation and various other problems will arise down the road for the country, the world, .. leaving me feeling not as happy subconsciously as before I saw the article in the first place...

So, while it is nice seeing a smiley face and lots of kids in pictures.
How does it come across to you?
Must have a foofoo like a wellington boot.

It'd be like a donkey yawning!!!

On a serious note this makes me really angry, we keep going on about plastic pollution where the issue for me is over population, there's far too many people on this planet at the moment and people keep having 3+ kids is just compounding the issue, we really need to set a 2 kids limit for the sake of the future.
Wonder how they find the necessary time to nurture each one. I have 2, and seriouly struggle to give them the time they deserve. Not to mention the socio-economic impact of spreading their budget across 8 mouths, and the impact that may have to health\prosperity down the line.

10 seems like an arbitary round number, and completely detached from real issues at hand.

Each to their own.
Not so very long ago it was perfectly normal to have lots of offspring. My grandmother had seven children (Irish though...) and with child mortality it was a sensible thing to do.
A country also needs lots of worker ants, and cannon fodder for its wars. Aren't populations getting older? You'll need a younger person to wipe your arse when you're old...
Of course, these days it's frowned upon, especially if it's done just to live a life on benefits.
Not so very long ago it was perfectly normal to have lots of offspring. My grandmother had seven children (Irish though...) and with child mortality it was a sensible thing to do.
A country also needs lots of worker ants, and cannon fodder for its wars. Aren't populations getting older? You'll need a younger person to wipe your arse when you're old...
Of course, these days it's frowned upon, especially if it's done just to live a life on benefits.


My mum was born in to quite a poor working class family and there are 7 of them (she has 2 brothers and 4 sisters).

The age gap between the oldest and youngest is about 20 years as well.
I have five in 8 years but the last two were twins. She is being very careful to only spend £200 a week on food! My other half struggles to get everything done in the day when I'm as work but generally she copes alright, doubt that would be the case with 8 or 10! Luckily she doesn't want anymore THANK GOD
She (possibly they, but definitely she) wants 10 kids and he is destroying himself working nights on 5h sleep to provide for the family.

Perhaps I'm spoilt on 7h a night.

It doesn't make me happy.

it makes me sad personally. There should be a world wide birth cap of 2 kids per couple for 100 years....
That's Pure Fascism/communism though so... lets not go there. :P
So I flick open the paper sometimes, came across this one this morning..

First of all I must say (I know its not the best paper)

But yes, this article is about 'The mother of 8 children at the age of 30' and it doesn't really give an opinion on whether the mail like or dislike the news..

For me though, I can't help but think omg if lots of ladies follow her example then overpopulation and various other problems will arise down the road for the country, the world, .. leaving me feeling not as happy subconsciously as before I saw the article in the first place...

So, while it is nice seeing a smiley face and lots of kids in pictures.
How does it come across to you?

If that's what they want then power to them. I really don't care.
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