Does this man need shooting?

19 Apr 2006
West Yorkshire
I have found myself watching a program called Paparazzi on BBC1 on wednesday nights. It is mainly about the world of the paparazzi photographer, but centre's around the Big Pictures Celeb pic agency run by this man:


Darryn Lyons aka Mr Paparazzi

This man is the biggest walking talking penis I have ever had the misfortune to see in my life.

Everything about him screams "TESTORONE FUELED PR**K".

just me?
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oh yes his girl band is hot, but I think they are stretching it at "band" tbh!

Coudlnt believe the coverage they got in Maxim, yet another reason not to buy these stupid men mags.

"The hottest new pop band in the world".....wait I thought they hadnt actually released a single yet?
Al Vallario said:
I don't know, but he came accross as an alright bloke to me (I've been watching "Paparazzi" for a while now). He loses it sometimes, but isn't that the nature of the business? If he's dropped thousands on sending two of his paps to a sun-drenched island in the mediterranean, and they don't come back with the results, doesn't he have every right to be angry? His area of business is highly competitive, and personally I commend him on taking an active part in his (highly stressful) business rather than sitting back and living it up in the sun.

He's not all bad ;)

I think your getting the wrong idea, I dont mean he is a pr**k for getting mad, he is one cos he is born that way I believe.

He is among the utter scum of the universe who only care about £££'s and think other people's lives are there to be invaded and plastered all over the front page of a magazine.

I realise celebs shouldnt complain about the paparazzi, if it werent for them then they wouldnt be famous. Personally I think chasing people in cars and bikes and thronging round someone who is simply trying to get by day to day is sick!!! absolutely sick!

These "Paparazzi" should be dragged into the street and shot, one day someones gonna real turn on one of these happy snappers and kill them and it wont be too soon.

This Darryn asshat is the biggest arse of them all, how I laughed last night when he dropped his cig in his ferarri hahaahahha he looked ready to burst into tears!!!

A complete arrogant arse!
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