Does this sound fine? Air cooling 101

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Hi Guys,

Moving over to C2D and just checking my cooling setup is adequate and if their are any weak/noisy links. As always Id like it to allow me to overclock well without being that noisy (is 30dBs a good limit?)...

Case is the original Coolmaster Stacker - Ive already got the 80mm roof fan sorted and it does have the useful crossflow fan installed blowing air over the mobo surface.

Ill have 2 front 120mm intakes (one that directs air over my 2 HDDs), 1 rear 120mm exhaust and 2 120mm fans on my TRUE in push/pull. As I understand it, its best to have more intake than exhaust to keep a positive pressure and ensure dust stays out...

The fans I have at my disposal are:

2x Panaflo 38mm (FBA12G12M) - 86.5cfm; 35.5db; 2100rpm
1x Evercool 25mm (EC12025M12S) - 73cfm; 36db; 2000rpm
2x NMB 25mm (4710KL-04W-B50) - 114.7cfm; 41.5db; 2800rpm
1x NMB 25mm (4710KL-04W-B30) - 88.2cfm; 35db; 2200rpm
1x Noctua 25mm (NF-S12-1200) - 48cfm; 17db; 1200rpm

What Im looking to do is as follows:

1x NMB B50 (over the HDDs)
1x NMB B30

1x NMB B50

All of which are controlled by my MO display

1x Noctua S12
1x Evercool (5/7volted)

So you think I should just get another Noctua and have 2 of them in push/pull with my TRUE? Both would be connected straight to my mobo and wouldnt be fan controlled...

Ive also got vented PCI bay slots to assist in the airflow...

Hows that sound? Any improvements or better fans to get? Id rather have the CPU fans directly connected to the mobo/PSU while all other fans are fan controlled and so can go faster/slower when needed...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Glad Im on the right tracks - I know a lot of those fans need to be fan controlled but Id rather have that extra performance when I need it (summer usually or when I have headphones on).

Just not 100% sure on the TRUE push/pull and if its worth doing over just 1 fan. Ive also found out that the extra set of TRUE fan wires I bought wont work as the hole on the HSF only can fit one it seems :/..

ps3ud0 :cool:
You make a good point - Ive already got 1 S12 - should I team it up with a P12? Or just sell it for 2x P12s?

Im sure the fans above have probably got better static pressures, but I doubt theres much difference at the same RPM...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I thought it might be a bit overkill. Unsure if it will fit in a Stacker case with a P5Q Deluxe.

Need to be 5/7volted for sure :D

Is there anyway to estimate pressure, noise or cfm when reducing the voltage - I know its not linear but could I get a good approximation if I assumed that?

ps3ud0 :cool:
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