Does what i want exist?

26 Jun 2008
Apologies for the vague title!!

What im looking for is the best possible way to listen to both streamed and my (digital) music when at home but on headphones so not to disturb kids/wife etc and portable so i can move rooms with it.

Basically i want to treat myself to the best possible set up i can for a maximum of 1k, FLAC/hd player, headphones, everything i need. I love music but know nothing about this.

There are some ZMF Atticus headphones on mm for ~500, are these worth a go ?

Many thanks for the guidance :)
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You definitely need something with a Wi-Fi connection, so a phone seems like a sensible starting point. Then some decent headphones. What's missing though is the power to drive those headphones.

There are two issues. First, the vast majority of portables have limited power output from their headphone jack. This is to comply with the volume limits imposed by the European Union to stop people going deaf. This leads to the second issue - which is that because of the limited power then typical headphones used with portables have low resistance to make the most of that power, but it's a compromise because it also limits dynamic range.

If you were buying headphones to plug in to a big stereo system then you'd have your choice of low, medium and high impedances headphones.: 15-30 Ohms, 200-300 Ohms, 600 Ohms. You'd find the higher impedance 'phones capable of delivering a richer and more entertaining sound.

To achive that with a small portable means using an intermediary device called a headphone amp to provide the extra drive. There are small portable headphone amps that piggyback on to portable players. Go have a read at It's a dedicated site for headphone Hi-Fi users and covers all of this in far more depth including gear recommendations.

Great thanks for the info, very helpful, will head over to what hifi.

I was thinking of something like the Panasonic XDP300R.
I’d be looking at a Chord Mojo and some Sennheiser HD650’s for that money. Remember that you are only using your phone to supply the DAC and there is nothing wrong with using your phone as a source. I use my iPhone for FLAC and Apple Music if I want portability.

EDIT: you should also weigh up the pros and cons of open backed headphones which is what the 650’s are.

Cheers, seems the Mojo is just what im looking for, headphones wise, think im going to need to test some opened and closed ones. Will look at the HD650's and possibly the oppo pm3.
Just thought i would update this, after trying loads of different headphones i settled on a pair of Oppo PM3's and an AK70, the sound is truly excellent, im very happy with the setup.
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