does windows effect in game performance/fps?

16 Feb 2014
North West England
I'll be getting a new system towards the end of summer hopefully , currently on windows 7 64 bit , only used for gaming, but was wondering if there's any performance gain by going to windows 8.1 , or should I just transfer my windows onto new system if it's not noticeable and wait for windows 10 as it's free upgrade ??
There won't be any gain, and since 10 is around the corner (mid July are the latest rumors), just wait for that.
No point in learning how to navigate an arguably worst OS when the newer one is almost here.
There won't be any gain, and since 10 is around the corner (mid July are the latest rumors), just wait for that.
No point in learning how to navigate an arguably worst OS when the newer one is almost here.


Comon now, Windows 8.1 will give a slight boost over 7, we saw difference when BF4 was released, if you already have Windows 7 then wait for W10 as it's free (not sure if those rumours held) instead of paying for W8.1 now.
Sounds like a plan then , my windows 7 atm is on just a standard 1tb hd which I would keep for the new system anyway , but obviously would be getting an SSD , how hard is it to transfer windows and all the games etc over on to the SSD ?

Comon now, Windows 8.1 will give a slight boost over 7, we saw difference when BF4 was released, if you already have Windows 7 then wait for W10 as it's free (not sure if those rumours held) instead of paying for W8.1 now.

Also win 8.1 boots much much much faster then win 7 with is another +
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