Dog issue (Staffie)

22 Oct 2007
So my other half's best mate is coming to see her tomorrow before she heads back home to Oxford, problem is she has a Staffie and shes bringing it with her.
I have 2 kids (five and two) and naturally alarm bells are ringing and to be quite honest I dont want that dog in my house with my two kids around despite the fact it is apparently very friendly and loving and the wife's mate has a five year old that was brought up around the dog with no issues.
I have told my wife about my concerns and that I dont want it in the house, am I being overly cautious or would you guys have said the same thing?
Foor what its worth I do like dogs and like Staffies as a breed but just thought I would ask GD's opinions on this
Question, would you allow another dog near your children?

How about a Border Collie? or a Jack Russell? Both are statistically more likely to attack someone than a Staffie.

Basically you have been brainwashed by the media into thinking Staffie = EVIL CHILD KILLER.

The thing is, if a Staffie does turn on my kids the result is usually a lot worse than if it were a Poodle or something, these dogs have beingtrained for killing etc, and it has happened quite a few times before.

I'd say it's not unreasonable to be worried about your children at all but there is possibly a point where you're being over-cautious. I don't have children myself but quite often see small children who appear to be petrified of dogs and that is almost certainly a learned response from their parents which I can't imagine is all that healthy - dogs can be great around children and great for them to interact with but like any animal they (and the child) require supervision to ensure they're not going to hurt each other.

Do you have a kitchen or a garden that you could put the dog into if your wife/her friend can't/won't be watching the dog and children closely? Just somewhere that separates it from the children a bit - I'd still introduce the children and the dog but after that it can probably be left alone for a while.

Yeah thanks, I did suggest putting it in the garden during her stay.
the thing im most bothered about is that I wont be there and if the **** hits the fan then my wife and her mate will be powerless against the dog as I believe they are most persistant when they turn, soooo its going in the garden :D.
This is what Always worrys me & why I take no chances with my Frank, Like has been said if most other dogs have a bite/nip it leaves no more than a pinch mark but when a staffy dog bites it locks on & causes Severe damage, I could not live with myself if I let that happen to my dog or to a person/child etc so I take no chances even though I have lived with Frank every day for the last ten years.

Ok mate, you seem to be the most appropriate person to ask, would you let the dog in if you were in my shoes?
I think you need to make your own mind up, we can give you advice and storys all day long, at the end of the day its your house and your kids.

You are allready "worried" so then you are over half way settled that the dog is a monster and will do anythnig and everythnig to harm your kids, tell her to leave it or stick it in the garden.

Thats the thing though, shes passing through on her way to Oxford so its gonna be with her, so I either ask her to leave it in the car, in the garden or not to bother coming lol, just dont want to sound like a **** but my kids come first of course.

Bit of a mixed bag of responses too so its becoming a bit of a dilema :D
Is the little girl that lives with the dog coming along & What are your kids like around dogs/animals ? Are they reserved or a bit Hypa ?
Also what is your ground floor layout like ? Are there plenty of escape routes for kids & dogs or is it a bit tight with loads of chances of being cornered ?

My eldest is good as gold, my youngest I could easily see him ragging the dog to bits as hes a little terror at times, typical 3 bedroom house so lots of corners etc, its going in the garden, my mind is made up not taking any chances through looking like a bit of a dick, better safe than sorry, thanks for the replies all :)
Hahahaha well I'd not recommend that!!! If you bark loudly enough, smaller or more timid dogs often don't like it. It's also pretty funny to bark at dogs when they are trying to lord over you etc

Ok lets set the scene - you are my mate at mine for a chat and the dog latches onto my kids leg, I immediately stick my finger in its arse and you start barking like a dog :D my son is saved lol.
wouldnt let a staffy anywhere near my kids, i was brung up with Dogs, and understand full well, they can spin on a penny mood wise.

they just need to be unwell, or ****ed of that day to snap at kids.

kids and a staffy are a no go as far as i am concerned, no matter how many 'hes as cuddly as mickey mouse' posts i see.

as long as there is a tiny chance they can turn, thern thats enough for me.

you dont know the dog, dont take peeps word for it. take no chances, refuse to have it in the house, until at least you have got to 'know' the dog without kids around

With that attitude I'm amazed you can even leave the house.


Personally I agree with soundood, as said already gonna tell the missus to keep them apart, not worth the risk even if it is a very small risk.
Ok just got in from work, opened the front door to be greeted with a scene from Cujo, blood and body parts everywhere.
Only kidding, Wife put it in the garden during the visit, all is well, thanks for the input everybody and I stand by my decision of keeping the dog and the kids apart.
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