Dog meets frog

17 Sep 2005
Charlie has taken it upon herself to give free lifts around the garden to any frogs* which cross her path.


Criticism welcomed, I know it's far from perfect.

* No frogs were harmed in the making of this photograph
Mum's cats have a tendency to do this, trouble is the frogs aren't normally alive at the end of their journey! :p

Beautiful picture though :)
Rushed shot with 30D and Sigma 24-70 at F2.8. Just grabbed camera and took the shot before she dropped the frog, usually gets told off when we find frogs in her basket.

It was about 1.5 stops under exposed hence the noise.

No doubt a similar shot will present itself soon.........
Lovely pic

close to bringing a tear to my eye though

when i was a kid we had a spring a spaniel (or coccaspaniel never did know the difference ) named charlie, he was such a great dog, and that pic looked so much like him, and so much like how he used to behave.

If you threw a ball just right over his head, he woudl do a summersault to try and catch it, great dog, was such a blow when he passed away.

Any I digress, lovely picture though.
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